T-shirt Photo Contest Winners Announced

Yea, just think... you too could have had a free iPod shuffle... I was giving away three. Oh well, last contest I will probably do anytime in the near future. I try one about once a year hoping for participation, but I get about the same results.
Was this contest announced? If so, where should I go to look for the next one?

Had I known about it, I probably would have bought a shirt and entered... must have overlooked it somewhere!
A flyer went out to everyone who purchased a t-shirt, it was included with the shirt and its been running as an announcement in the forums the entire month of October and was the first text of the T-Shirt page.

I could have made a bigger deal out of it, but figured with the number of shirts that went out, we'd have more people participating. I know of at least 8-10 people that said they would but never did.