Tablet PC and Settlement


Searching for logic
Did anyone notice that the same day Microsoft announces the release of Tablet PC Edition to XP, is the same day that the Justice Department pretty much clears Microsoft? Bill Gates had his hand in some peoples pockets, and its obvious. Microsoft has a tendancy to have their stock price jump up significantly whenever an OS of theirs hits the public, and it just seems so coincidental, that the same day the crappy OS comes out, Microsoft FINALLY gets something to happen in their favor, after being slapped around for the past few years.
You're actually putting the cart before the horse. Microsoft was likely holding off releasing Windows XP Tablet PC edition or whatever its called until a ruling was placed against them.

If it has been terribly negative, they likely held off like they have been doing. Since it wasn't, the OS was ready to ship and out the door it went.

I don't think Microsoft influenced the ruling, I think the ruling influenced the immediate release of the Tablet PC.

Waiting for this ruling has pushed a lot of MS projects such as .NET and Longhorn back. Now that MS got off, it'll be full steam ahead, destroying everything in its path once again.
The Tablet PC was officially released 2 hours before the ruling came out. If you don't believe me, go to Sherlock 3, and add Microsoft to yoru stock channel, and you can see the break down of that day based on hours. Microsoft had to have some sort of influence, because this was the only time that favor was shown upon them in the past 5 or 6 years.

Money can do alot of things, and with Microsoft getting off here, that only proves it.
The time actual events occur and printed news is released varies on the complexity of both.

Could it be MS had everything they needed to immediately release their Tablet PC publically but that it took a considerably longer amount of time for the fourth estate to get their information about the trial together and get it to print?

Put it this way, the minute the verdict was read, MS was ready to release their Tablet PC full force. On the other hand, it probably took one or two hours for the media to correctly decipher the ruling and release information about it.
The new OS is, I believe, called simply "Tablet PC" - much like Windows CE became "Pocket PC".

You see, that way, Microsoft can say "We invented the Tablet PC!! We're innovators!! Aren't we smart!! Wheee!!"

Just as they have BEEN saying "We invented the Pocket PC!! We're innovators!! Aren't we smart!! Wheee!!"

... despite the fact that handheld computers (which some might justifyably call "Pocket PCs") were around for some time previous to that.

"Tablet" PCs - keyboardless, touchscreen mobile computers -
have also been around in one form or another for at least 10 years, in both consumer and commercial models (just ask any UPS driver).

Next I expect Gates to claim he invented the lightbulb.
To my knowledge, they haven't, as yet.

I am merely predicting that they will, if Tablet PC takes off, and I am surmising that this was their rationale behind giving the OS a name that sounds like hardware.
They never said they "invented the PDA", just "the Pocket PC".

I've seen TV and print ads to that effect many times. Of course, now that I've shot my mouth off, I won't be able to find one. I'll dig around & see if I can find one.
They did invent the "Pocket PC." Its a trademark of Microsoft. What is wrong with saying you invented something you have the trademark to.

Now if they were saying they invented the PDA, that would be different. While the Pocket PC is a PDA, its not a Newton or Palm or anything else that could be considered at PDA, its a Pocket PC.

See the difference?
The date for the Tablet Edition of Windows XP has been set for a while. If they did indeed just make an official announcement on that day, then there would have been next to no chance of it just barely making it to Comp USA over the weekend for me to mess with. It was all orchestrated.
Its called "overnight shipping." Ever heard of it?

It means your package or packages can ship to anywhere in the US overnight. Its amazing!

Like I said, MS has probably been sitting on the Tablet PC for a while, waiting for the Department of Justice to issue a vertict.

Once the verdict was issued, out went the Tablet PC, full force.

Its not a conspiracy theory. Its common sense.
In regard to "we invented the Pocket PC":

The addition of the words "Operating System" would make it a far less misleading statement.

When software is marketed, it is rarely prefixed by "the". For instance: why does Microsoft say "we invented THE Pocket PC" but not "we invented THE Microsoft Word" ? Or more appropriately: "we invented THE Windows XP" ?

IMHO, it's because, in this particular case, they don't mind giving the unwary the impression that they invented the hardware too.

Furthermore, if I invented a new kind of, oh let's say, electric blender, I certainly couldn't say "I invented the blender." But I suppose I could give it a name like "Blendomatic 2000" and say "I invented the Blendomatic!"

But now imagine that blenders are something most people are not too familiar with, something that intimidates them - and suppose the first time they hear of a blender is when they see my commercial. It wouldn't bother me at all if they got the impression I came up with the whole IDEA of a blender, would it???

I'm not saying MS has done anything illegal -- just a tad misleading, especially to the techno-phobic.
You are obviously right. Because everyone knows that Microsoft has that new technology to go back in time. How else would you explain how they had a huge event out of its release, and had celebrities going up there to demonstrate the Tablet PC, as well as having CEO's from every OEM that is releasing a Tablet PC. They also used the MIcrosoft Windows Time Warp technology to send invitations to all kinds of media places to get them to go and see all of this. Also keep in mind that the times recorded, are recorded from the AP, the Associated Press, and while ZDNet, and may have an hour or two lapse, I doubt that the AP does.

So there you have it, either Microsoft was just showing off their magic time traveling technology to get that huge press event ready with the celebrities, and the press, and etc, or Microsft had their hand in something, which they normally do.,3959,674974,00.asp

I just found more links showing everything Microsoft did with their magic time technology since you said they just did it at the last minute. Including a Microsoft signup page for people to go to multiple sites to watch the launch. Isn't it amazing what can be done in a matter of hours?
I think its funny that Itanium hasn't said anything about the time machine since he was the only one that believed it existed.