tabs are better than no tabs because....


Mac Ninja
... in a browser with tabs (chimera), you have the option of either using tabs, or completely ignoring them.

In a browser with no tabs (safari), you only have one option: to not use tabs.

Whether you are for or against tabs, the option to be able to turn on or off a preference (or to use or ignore a feature) is always better than only having ONE option.

This is pretty much irrefutable and fact, and I cannot comprehend how anyone can argue with this.

I bet someone will come in here and say that a web browser with tabs takes up 50 more kilobytes on the disk to install but that's just silly stuff.

So remember, it's not whether tabs are better, but whether the option to either be able to use them or not to use them is better. Who dares argue this point???? :D
i don't think there is anything to argue with here. choices that allow everyone to decide their preferences are always the best. i don't think anyone has ever disagreed with this but you. :D
who ever said all browsers must offer tabs? if safari never offers tabs, who cares?! use another browser like your beloved chimera and quite your bellyaching.
I use tabs all the time, but I personally hope that Safari does not include them, just to make sure Chimera doesn't die. :)

- Brian
Safari will include them.

But Chimera won't die because Chimera is faster. Experience proves it.
so apple's claims of safari being faster are lies??? (Not that I know, I think they are equal in speed)
Safari is plenty fast. Much faster IMHO...

[edit] Not pleny fast, plenty fast! Yet another thing Safari has over Chimera-Spell check! :p )[/edit]
Tabs make the most use out of my bandwith (28.8k :rolleyes: ) because while I'm reading through one page (forum stuff mostly) the rest of the tabs have finished loading so I don't have a bunch of windows open (not good under 800x600) to do my browsing.:)