Originally posted by erdunbar
MSA, what's the bar on the right side of your screen? Is it the dock moved, or is it some other app?
If it's the dock moved, how did you do that? Also, is the application switcher menu ASM 1.1.1 or some other app?
Thanks, Eric.
PS IS MSA the inverse of what I think it is
the bar on the right side of his screen is the dock and there are a few little programs out that will do the hack to move it for you, or if you are adventurous you can follow these instructions:
1) Open a Terminal session.
2) Enter (at the prompt): sudo -s <--- this switches you into superuser mode and requires you have an administrative password
3) Enter your admin password when prompted.
4) At the root prompt enter this: open -e /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/DockMenu.plist <--- this will open the DockMenu.plist file in TextEdit.
5) In TextEdit find the lines numbered 1013 and 1014, change the associated COMMAND to MENU (type over, delete, whatever).
6) Do a normal save and close TextEdit.
7) You can either logou5t and log back in now, or you can open up ProcessViewer and select Dock and then do a quit process. Either way the point is to restart the Dock so the changes take affect.
8) Control click the Dock anywhere you are not on an icon, and two new submenus will appear in the contextual menu that opens, Orient and Pin.
NOTE: Any changes you make to Dock location or pinning will not stay after you shutdown, restart or logout. The hack will stay, but you'll have to re-orient and re-pin the Dock where you want it.