! Take this Apple


cocoa love
I am a loyal costomer of Apple Computers, but my camera, RCA's CDS1005 will not work no matter what. Not in Image capture, not in Classic, not in plastic. So I sent a total of 500 feedback ssubmissions to Apple telling them
to make it compatible. I would suggest everyone push hard to open a locked door.:(
I see what your problem is, you sent feedback to the wrong place. Try RCA, Apple is not responcible for drivers for third party equipment. If you aren't ready for Mac OS X... don't use it.


If you want them to come up with a driver for every little thrid party piece of equipment there is, you could help by actually paying for your copy. If you are using it for free, then you have no right to be complaining about it.
Yeah, didn't you RETURN your copy of OS X after not being satisfied with it?? That means you need to UNINSTALL it completely and use the system for which you paid money, especially if you're going to send comments/complaints about OS X to Apple.

Whitesaint has quite a dilema on his hands...;)

Maybe we should all buy x86 boxes and then mass email Apple to suport them!: LOL

BTW, I will never use an x86 box as long as Apple makes hardware.

- Avalenz - nice birthday

Maybe return the packaged Windows XP installed too!

- Sorry, I think I'm crossing the a**hole line.
maybe you should return the camera too, ask for your money back and then come here and complain about not being able to film...
oh, and how are you a "loyal costomer" of apple when you return the os x cds after installing it?
strange, strange person.
Hmmmm complelling arguments... maybe I should return my copy of diablo II that I bought .... naaaahhhh I am kicking demon ass lol ;) I will keep this game :)

But I still wonder... I used to work @ the software dept of Barnes & noble, and I assume that all software stores are like this... if you open something you cannot return it. period! How did this guy return it ???? :confused:

Maybe he's got the Lil' Bastard Shrink Wrapping Kit. That would be convincing enough to get a refund and hit the road before anyone notices other broken seals.
okay everybody you can stop trying me now, well anyways most of you are wondering how in the world i bought software and returned it. Well for the most part I bought it at Circuit City. It's main customer service staff is a bunch of teenagers, and if you tell them you didn't like it and now it's off your computer they usually believe you :cool:

Well anyways I guess most of you guys are right that I really have no right
to be complaining to Apple for somthing I didn't even buy.
Oh yeah, and RacerX, what sign are you? I never even considered
to bulk mail RCA instead of Apple -:rolleyes:

Shows how smart I am...Well at least I quit the drugs
All this goes to show that we're all stupid in ways, but if you show it here you won't forget it!

- Scott