Taking the plunge into Unix, help/advice needed

In the root directory? If you installed it with fink, it should be in /sw/bin. I don't know anything that would install itself into the root directory by default.
kelson, have you tried /sw/bin/bitchx? fin k installs a "library" of bitchx (it is NOT bitchx) into the lib folder, that's what the lib folder is there for.

And when you wrote
"drw-rw-rw- 11 root admin 374 Apr 11 20:20 bitchx" doesn't mean that it is in the root directory, it means it is owned by root in the group admin ( I think thats it, it sure doesn't mean it's in the root directory)

do you know the basic unix commands? there are some seccessary ones for terminal work, like ls, cd, pwd... if not there is a good unix tutorial in the howto and faq section of the board.
Oh, btw, your problem I think is that the binary (well symlink to the real binary) is actually BitchX. Even though OS X is case-insensitive, commands in the shell are.

1. I know the basic commands, thought indepth I do not.

2. I moved the sw file to my user home which is out of the root dir, some files could not be copied there due to permissions issues.

3. I then gave BitchX another chance within the kelson home directory and guess what?? I am on line!! No more root, no more sudo BitchX, so now I have that running.

4. I still need to explore the Pine issue, I am still getting the The

"/Users/kelson/mail" subdirectory already exists,
but it is not writable by Pine so Pine cannot run. Please correct
the permissions and restart Pine.

I have not bothered with the advice given on that.

So that is where I am on IRC with my actual name and not ROOT.. :) Now I need to get my actual full name off of that.. heheh..

Sluggin it out and learnin as I go.. thanks to you all.

I now have the ability to launch Pine from my terminal without permission issues....

except, one itsy bitsy problem.. :P

Can't modify configuration file "/Users/kelson/.pinerc": ReadOnly

Searchin for this file to change the permissions..... thinking..

things are getting better... we are almost there.

kelson do you know how to use sudo? assuming you are an admin user you can override ANY permissions ( be careful though ) with:
sudo [ any normal unix command], and then entering an admin password. sudo sh brings up a sudo shell (so you don't have to type sudo before everything) which you can exit with the exit command.
so sudo pico ~/kelson/.pinerc and then enter your pw should let you modify the config file.
Pine works!

I rm the pinerc file and recreated and walla it works. I now have to learn how to fix the cosmetics of the email addres but other then that I can send but not recieve yet but I think that will be taken once I do some more digging and reading.

As for bitchx, it works and like pine just need to do some research on how to add more servers and change my id.

Thanks for your help and not giggling as I stumpled through your advice... I will be back..I am sure. :)


P.S has anyone got tintin up and running?
Tintin++ is a mud client for multi user dimensions.

I know you need readline to install it and I got that done I am just not sure about compiling Tintin, I think there are some issues...
