Target Disk Freezes While It Is Connected. Suggestions?



When I try to sync from iMac to target iBook, the iBook freezes. When I try to sync from iBook to target iMac, SyncProX crashes.

Qdea Technical Support Answer:

Your system has something called "ape" installed from "".

This third-party utility causes known and demonstrated problems with various applications because it does not always work correctly. Its failures are a particular problem because the incorrect code occupies the memory space of other applications, and when it causes a failure, it looks like the other application has a problem because it crashed unexpectedly.

The crash is due to the fact that utility from "" does not work correctly. It is not due to Synchronize! Pro X.

It may be possible to set this utility to not affect Synchronize! Pro X. If this does not solve the problem, please remove this utility from your system. If you do this, I believe that you will find that Synchronize! Pro X no longer crashes.

Best Regards,
Hugh Sontag
Qdea Technical Support
completely bogus answer. they are just passing the buck on instead of providing a useful answer: . I've never ever had a program crash due to ape.

If unsanity are right in their claims, then if you are running SyncProX twice in a row, and it crashes both times, ape wont have loaded into SyncProX the second time. This should also be reflected in the crash log. But you might try following the advise unsanity gives about not loading extensions when loging in and then try again.
Thanks for the reply. I decided to include SyncProX on the "do not apply" list that the APE has; but it seemed not to work.

Then, since the Mail and Pictures sync worked OK, I decided to trash the Docs sync document I was using and create another one from scratch, and it now works. Qdea folks say that the APE must have corrupted the fork in the document I decided to delete.

It bothers me that Unsanity never answered my request for info.