tcsh problem in Jaguar


My old 10.1.5 system has the .tcshrc file configured with these two features.

# Make command completion (TAB key) cycle through all possible choices
# (The default is to simply display a list of all choices when more than one
# match is available.)
bindkey "^I" complete-word-fwd
# Make command history (arrow keys) use history search operations
# (The default is to simply display the next item in the history list.)
bindkey -k down history-search-forward
bindkey -k up history-search-backward

They don't work anymore with 10.2 ... is there anyone know how to fix this, please?

More info @:
You may also want to add set autolist to your .cshrc or .tcshrc fle.

Oh, and set complete=enhance will let you ignore file case. Kinda nice.

I posted the wrong thing...
its set autolist not auto complete. I read rharder's post and was thinking to myself "uhm, didn't I just say that? oh..."

That case insensitive setting is cool too, I think I'm going to try that one.