

Inventor of the Egg Wave
watching the screensavers on techtv...they have spent 10 minutes trying to show how to rip music off of a cd, and it ain't working. They are using XP and musicmatch (they were quick to recommend itunes for osx users) and the cd drive won't recognize the beasty boys cd they put in. Amazing that in the time it took them to not rip the music, warn people against "messing" with settings, and chuckle about how cool all this "stuff" is, itunes would have done it all automatically. woo woo.
That is priceless! People don't understand that's it's the little things like that that make the Mac somuch better. Seamless integration of technology. Windows can only dream of tasks being that simple.
TechTV = Windows = I don't watch it.

The idea is good, but the whole network is ran by closed minded windows business people, and the hosts are so pro-Windows it's not even funny.
They're actually fairly good towards the Mac from what I've seen. Leo raves about his iBook and OS X all the time. So do Megan and Brett Larson. It could be better but I don't think it's terrible.
Agreed... you can tell they all want to bring their 'Books to work, but their livelihoods would be lost.

Or maybe they think liking a Mac is just a "phase" they're going through.

Or maybe they're MacAddicts and they don't know it... "I can stop using it anytime! I just don't WANT to!..."
Is not just a Windows only operation. For the amount of marketshare the Mac has (less than 5%), it gets a good bit of coverage. Most of the hosts are Mac lovers, and it shows. Plus, TechTV usually carries the big Macworld's keynote address, which is much nicer than viewing in a 160x120 QT Window.

It must be good - I dropped VH1 Classic just so I could get it!