Terminal problem

John Melby

I've been using the various versions of OS X since the Public Beta, and during that time, I've had occasion to make frequent use of the command-line interface in the Terminal.

Recently for some strange reason, when I open a terminal window, it comes up with the "Process completed" message that usually appears only after the user has typed "exit" to end the Terminal session and that makes it impossible for me to continue.

Some time ago I remember reading posts on various discussion groups about this problem and how to fix it, but since I was not being affected, I did not take much notice of them. Consequently, when I tried to do a search for postings about this topic, I came up with nothing of any use to me.

If anyone has an answer to this problem, I would greatly appreciate finding out about it. Thanks!
Originally posted by testuser

If it seems like these files are OK, or if you have not touched any of them, the alternative would be to reinstall from the OS X CD which would replace any of the system files that had been altered or corrupted (leaving your user files untouched).
I decided, based on some advice I had received from another source, that the easiest way to solve the problem was to reinstall OS X, as you suggested. This took just a few minutes, and the problem went away.