Terminal: 'time'


When i type 'time' @ the terminal, ik get this:
0.110u 0.060s 4:34.48 0.0% 0+0k 4+3io 0pf+0w
'They' say ik can read my uptime in this, but where? And what are those other numbers?
tnx 4 help, NielZ
The command "time" just returns the time it takes to execute the "time" instruction. You could also combine it with some other command to time THAT command.

If you want to see your uptime, just type "uptime" in the terminal and press return. Intuitive, isn't it? :D

This is mine:

[c3p0:~] simmy% uptime
4:32PM up 11 days, 23:39, 1 user, load averages: 4.15, 3.10, 2.96
[c3p0:~] simmy%

Almost 12 days! Woohoo! I've NEVER gotten that with OS 9! :p
[localhost:~] jasoco% uptime
2:27AM up 4:40, 1 user, load averages: 0.45, 0.51, 0.40

Woo hoo.. almost 5 hours!

I like shutting down. Sometimes I just sleep, but mostly shut down. I just don't trust ANY OS running for days at a time. That's just me. ;)
When ik type it: I get this:
[localhost:~] nielz% uptime
uptime: Command not found.
kinda weird (imo)
What's wrong?
A load average is an indication of how busy you machine is over time. Depending on the setup the 3 figures are: now, 5 mins ago, 10 mins ago (or something like that. You also see then in top. In general a load average < 3 = :D But this varies depending on the normal workload of your machine.
Neilz... I don't know what's wrong, then. The command "uptime" works perfectly. You might want to try "sudo uptime" and then typing in the root password. But it's not necessary to have root access.

As to the load averages thing, I usually have above 4 load averages since I run an instance of SETI@home in the background all the time, and when away I run a second instance of SETI@home. :D

OS X's multitasking just plain rocks.
[localhost:~] ctschida% sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.1
BuildVersion: 5L14
[localhost:~] ctschida% uname -a
Darwin localhost 1.4 Darwin Kernel Version 1.4: Sun Sep 9 15:39:59 PDT 2001; root:xnu/xnu-201.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
[localhost:~] ctschida% uptime
3:59AM up 5:36, 2 users, load averages: 1.07, 0.84, 0.82
[localhost:~] ctschida%

I don't understand completely why mine says 2 users but at the current time I am also running Hotline Client 1.8.5 in Classic (9.2.1). I'm guessin' that's why. That's kinda cool I didn't know you could do that. Sweet! Learn somethin' new everyday. Thanks guys and cyas!
Originally posted by MacCheetah3

I don't understand completely why mine says 2 users but at the current time I am also running Hotline Client 1.8.5 in Classic (9.2.1). I'm guessin' that's why. That's kinda cool I didn't know you could do that. Sweet! Learn somethin' new everyday. Thanks guys and cyas!

Your console login counts as 1 user, and each terminal connection to your machine (local and/or remote) counts as a user too.

I hate to say it, but my Win2k Pro box has been up for 139 days now, with heavy usage =)

(Not trying to start a war here, just an observation!)

Originally posted by NielZ
When ik type it: I get this:
[localhost:~] nielz% uptime
uptime: Command not found.
kinda weird (imo)
What's wrong?

My first guess is you didn't install the BSD package when you installed OSX; uptime is in that package, which I believe isn't selected by default (but it has been many months since I installed, so could be wrong).
12:29PM up 18 days, 19:59, 2 users, load averages: 1.64, 1.46, 1.36

(load is high because i'm logged in via ssh and seti@home is running and it is only a 333mhz powerbook after all...)
my max so far has been around 32 (and that was because an update came out, not because I had to restart! :)
Nielz... now that I think about it, blb is most likely right. You'll need to go back to the OS X 10.1 update CD (or 10.0, if you don't have the update yet) and install the BSD package (don't remember exactly what it's called) so that you can have all these commands.

ischorr... YOU STUPID DANG PC TROL... whoops, you weren't starting a flame war. :D Still, does your Win 2K Pro box run games a lot of the time? No? Well, THAT's why. ;) It all depends on what you run, and Win could be totally stable for what you're running... and I'll leave it at that. However, I was also just observing that 13 days was a DAMN long time for uptime of my computer, and it's all because of OS X! :) (I finally restarted because I got this problem where I couldn't access anything, and everything but the Dock wouldn't respond.. so I had to restart... and then the next day I had to apply the security update.) So now I'm back at half a day of uptime.

WoLF: It's build 5L14 because of the Security updates. Go to the software update control panel and update your software!
You're right, I only play games on the Win2k box about 25% of the time.

And I haven't had OS X.1 crash yet, though I don't play games on it, maybe that's why... ;)

Stupid &#(@*#(@#7ing PC trolls!!!!!! :D

Wait, I didn't say that out loud, did I? Shoot. ;)
Originally posted by ischorr
You're right, I only play games on the Win2k box about 25% of the time.

And I haven't had OS X.1 crash yet, though I don't play games on it, maybe that's why... ;)


Actually, that means you haven't applied an update for Win2k in a while, have you? Which means you're still vunerable to Code Red, among other things, right? Uhm...what's your IP address again? ;)
Originally posted by WoLF
build 5L14? How the heck?:confused:
You may have figured this out by now, but the new build corresponds to the security update that you got when you ran Software Update. It fixed the problem where you could access root by going through 'recent apps' or something like that. There is an additional update that plugs a hole in IE where it would run an app after it finished downloading.