Nielz... now that I think about it, blb is most likely right. You'll need to go back to the OS X 10.1 update CD (or 10.0, if you don't have the update yet) and install the BSD package (don't remember exactly what it's called) so that you can have all these commands.
ischorr... YOU STUPID DANG PC TROL... whoops, you weren't starting a flame war.

Still, does your Win 2K Pro box run games a lot of the time? No? Well, THAT's why.

It all depends on what you run, and Win could be totally stable for what you're running... and I'll leave it at that. However, I was also just observing that 13 days was a DAMN long time for uptime of my computer, and it's all because of OS X!

(I finally restarted because I got this problem where I couldn't access anything, and everything but the Dock wouldn't respond.. so I had to restart... and then the next day I had to apply the security update.) So now I'm back at half a day of uptime.
WoLF: It's build 5L14 because of the Security updates. Go to the software update control panel and update your software!