Terminal: 'time'

I get this when i type uptime why doesn't it tell me how long i hve been connected?

Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] nono% uptime
8:01PM 2 users, load averages: 0.86, 0.80, 0.77
[localhost:~] tuckmart% uptime
9:53PM up 21 days, 34 mins, 2 users, load averages: 1.75, 1.60, 1.47
[localhost:~] tuckmart%

WOW, I didn't eeven realize it. Good going apple.
No fear to have OS X open for days or months.

Load average: the number of processes on the run queue at a given time (on average, thus the x.x figures).

Most of the processes on a system are asleep at a given time, waiting for some I/O operation or waiting to have something to do (eg. apache waiting for some browser to connect to it), when they are ready to do stuff they are assigned to the run queue.

If you have a a big system load, a lot of processes want to do stuff and are assigned to the run queue a lot o' times.

Anyway, it's just a telltale figure.

Hoping not to have confused matters.

Originally posted by ischorr

I hate to say it, but my Win2k Pro box has been up for 139 days now, with heavy usage =)

(Not trying to start a war here, just an observation!)


I once had to reboot a netware 4.11 server that had 218days uptime, the only reason I rebooted it is because I installed some new software. The server was under a huge load at a school.

There is a site that records uptimes automatically, I wonder if it has any osx ones so far.