Terminal names (except for the last, verbose entry) should
be chosen using the following conventions. The particular
piece of hardware making up the terminal should have a
root name, thus ``hp2621''. This name should not contain
hyphens. Modes that the hardware can be in, or user pref-
erences, should be indicated by appending a hyphen and a
mode suffix. Thus, a vt100 in 132 column mode would be
vt100-w. The following suffixes should be used where pos-
center ; l c l l l l. Suffix Meaning Example
-nn Number of lines on the screen aaa-60 -np Number
of pages of memory c100-4p -am With automargins (usu-
ally the default) vt100-am -m Mono mode; suppress
color ansi-m -mc Magic cookie; spaces when
highlighting wy30-mc -na No arrow keys (leave them in
local) c100-na -nam Without automatic margins
vt100-nam -nl No status line
att4415-nl -ns No status line
hp2626-ns -rv Reverse video
c100-rv -s Enable status line vt100-s
-vb Use visible bell instead of beep wy370-vb
-w Wide mode (> 80 columns, usually 132) vt100-w
For more on terminal naming conventions, see the term(7)
manual page.
so you see, terminals are based on some old pieces of hardware.
the terminal emulation programs are eterm, xterm, rvxt, nerm, gterm on GNU (freeX86)
and MacOSX has terminal.app
you can figure out what it is that you like on your favorite configuration for rxvt and then you could probably set that up in terminal....
the parameters are the shell (default is tcsh) you can have bash if you get the source and install it.
the TermCap
the emulation
the local environment settings in the start-up scripts.
which points to
there is a readme in that directory which you should checkout.
if what you really want is color,
the problem is that "ls" is broken
you can find binaries out on the net. or you can download the FileUtils 4.x from sourceforge and replace all of them....
"ls" in that package supports color.
and you may either write a custom corol def and put it in your environment.mine file or you
my just call DIRCOLORS to write a standard list of colors for you.
you still have to make an alias in alias.mine
for ls --> alias ls "ls --color=always -F"
or whatever you like.
otherwise, I like rxvt in X-windows, and Gterm is broken for the time being, but in OSX terminal.app seems to work just fine, unless you need something smarter or dumber than VT100....
anyway, they don't call them "Dumb terminals" for nothing....