Test of iSync, with screenshots

Good work! I hope it will be released as soon as possible. How is the stability of this build?
HOOHOO! I love it already! No more "exporting" to iPod for ME! Muahahaha!

btw, nice article. very well documented, and lots of screenshots. Thanks.
can you put a screenshot of the menuling for iSync? I'm really into menulings (12 icons and fuzzy clock on my menubar!) and I'd love to see a pix.
Thanks for the info on iSync. Any way to tell if it seems possible that someone will be able to make it work with my Motorola V60c cell phone for which I have a USB data cable?
i have 6D50 :(......

btw the icon of the menuling - the arrows spin around when updating, and also in the main window, the arrows on the silver circle icon also spin...very nice...
certainly... I'll even rattle them off :D

from left to right:
MoonMenu X
SoundOut sound output (switch between Soundsticks and iMic - to wireless headphones)
SoundOut sound input
Monitor Resolution
AppleScript Menu (Apple's)
KeyChain (Apple's)
Clock (Apple's)
Menulator - the best convenience calculator out there!
Originally posted by sheepguy42
I notice you don't have either the Modem Status menuling or the Ethernet one. Why?

Just guessing, but not everyone has a direct connection. I use an SMC Barricade router, which is what connects. I deal with it via a web browser, so there's no point at all having something in the menu bar.
(just got back to town)

I don't have the modem menuling because I have yet to use my modem. I use RoadRunner. I was not aware of the Ethernet menuling... Matbe I'll find it usefull. I get the daily versiontracker emails. I have not seen it there... Do you have a pointer to more information?
I'm sorry, my mistake, I meant the PPPoE menuling, under the PPPoE prefs. I really like Menulings too, and as more useful ones become available to me (I don't use any that gather info like weather online as I am on dialup) perhaps I will remove the ones I never use. Anyway, it uses the Ethernet symbol, and that's where my confusion stemmed from.