Test Software Update...


Check Software Update.

It says it improves Expose and Mail. I went ahead and installed it. I'm expecting some gentlemen in black suits and Ray-Bans any minute...
The exact text, for people who are still running Jaguar and are curious:

"This Panther Update is being made available to test the Software Update feature in Panther and address a few Exposé, Mail and iChat issues. Please install this update and provide us feedback via your normal channels."
I'm pretty sure that some bugs have been fixed. There's not much sense in having a 12 MB download do nothing. However: Those bugs are probably not something that you'd have noticed before. (Using Exposé right now in order to maybe spot a difference later...)
As I noted in another thread. There was a serious problem with my copy of Mail.app... messages I had sent, when looking at them in the sent mail folder, the whole message content had disappeared forever. This, I would hope has been fixed.

Also, I've had performance problems with Expose. If many apps are open, Expose only gets through half of the spinning cube and fades out before switching.
Aha! Apple's found a way to track all of the illegal copies of betas! Some fool is going to download the updates and then realize.... "Oh no! They know my IP!"

"All your IPs are belong to us!"

And then they're going to sue all the people with illegal copies.


I'm kidding. I'm just being paranoid.
I Think you mean fast user switching and not exposé, uoba :)
Speaking of that; my fast user switching skips the cupe effect when the main account (mine, the admin) play songs on iTunes. chop Chop.
I almost thought I was missing a cube effect in Exposé, uoba! ;-) ... But then I thought, it wouldn't make much sense, anyway. ... btw.: I didn't have that problem with Mail.app - and don't have it now after the update. What about you?
Hmmm, spinning Exposé cubes... nice! (Like the spinning plates trick! :) )

I haven't had the chance to test the download update yet, to see if Mail functions correctly... will report back as soon as I do.