TeXShop -- paper size & formatting


I am having trouble with paper size selection in TeXShop. I'm running OSX Panther.

Whenever I LaTeX my documents in TeXShop, paper size seems to be incorrect -- text runs all they way to the bottom (as if it's TeX-ing for A4 then displaying on letter size paper). This problem doesn't occur when I TeX the same documents on a well-used installation of LaTeX on our Unix system.

I have gone as far as re-configuring my entire TeXShop installation. Still the same problem occurs.

If you have ideas & solutions, they would be very much appreciated.

Could you supply your preamble? Besides setting paper size in the documentclass e.g. [a4paper], you can also set it additionally in the preamble, e.g. for A4:

\textwidth = 6.5 in
\textheight = 9 in
\oddsidemargin = 0.0 in
\evensidemargin = 0.0 in
\topmargin = 0.0 in
\headheight = 0.0 in
\headsep = 0.0 in

Your version of LaTeX and TeXShop should be irrelevant to this issue, but your preamble is important.
I don't believe that preamble is the source of the problem (it is included below anyway).

Whenever I LaTeX my files on Unix setup, the .pdf document appears as it should. Using the *exact* same .tex files, but LaTeX-ing in TeXShop, the text is shifted downward on the page approximately 3/4 inch.


My preamble:


