Text problems osx 10.3.1


hey all hoping someone can help me with this little problem...
since i updated to panther my text has been displaying a bit wierdly in the way that it is formated if I ever read a text file in text edit the text is written down the page making it impossible to read.

And now in flash mx 2004 the spaces between the words is about ten spaces inside the code panel!!!

Has anyone ever had this problem its bloody anoying and I don't understand how to alter it....

cheers for any help offered
Can you make a screen copy, so that we understand your problem ?
chevy said:
Can you make a screen copy, so that we understand your problem ?

I've fixed the flash problem now but the text file thing still remains, one problem down :)

I don't have a web server to upload to, is there another way to show you the file which is simple screen grab in a pdf format?

thanks for the help :)

You can attach it to one of your post (use full reply, not just the quick reply). To make it small, use Apple-shift-4 and grab just the area you want to show: the attachment is limited to 100k.
this is very strange. would it be only one column, you would have had a problem with the column width, but here it looks like the problem is in the character width !

Does it touch only one software ?
chevy said:
this is very strange. would it be only one column, you would have had a problem with the column width, but here it looks like the problem is in the character width !

Does it touch only one software ?

So far it effects text edit when ever a readme file is opened it renders the text this way and can only be made readable by changing the font.

Flash as well the default font create massive line spaces making it impossible to keep more than about four words on a line.

its a bit of an odd one that I can't quite fix, i'm usually quite good with sorting out the little problems you get, but this one has got me.

I am thinking about doing a re-install as when I installed panther I was a bit busy and didn't do a clean install as I usually do and the system has been a bit weird ever since.

The system has crashed more times than jag and applications keep crashing out a lot, which I kinda put down to panther as there have been a lot of reported problems.
is it a problem with your default font ? could you change the default font or re-install it ?
chevy said:
is it a problem with your default font ? could you change the default font or re-install it ?

How do i alter the default font is that refering to the entire system or just text edit and flash?

I have tried to alter the setting in textedit pref's but they don't seem to stick for very long, well just one file then it goes back to being the way as shown in the screen grab, which is a bit odd...
trash the TextEdit pref file.

BTW my Panther is perfectly stable. Did you try to "update" to Panther, or did you do a clean install ?
tried to trash the only preference file relating to text edit which is


After trashing it and the system rebuilding the pref file it still displays the text files the via the same method.

I did a search on the entire system and the file listed above is the only pref file relating to textedit is this the correct one?
chevy said:
yes, it is.

I'm short of other ideas for the time being.

I think a re-install or a clean re-install is needed to sort this one out thank you for your help tho, its good to know that its not just me that completely baffled by this...

thanks again :)
Use the OS CD and boot from it, When the install screen comes up, go to the menu and select Disk utility. Run that (verify then repair) and see if it corrects things.
Also, running Disk utility from the Utility folder on the hard drive - verify and repair permissions.