

Is there a way to change the background color, or add background images, to templates in TextEdit?
Thanks, caoim
Maybe coz AppleWorks is old, won't be updated etc. and MS Office costs a lot of money. Another reason could be that the user _wants_ to use TextEdit. It's a great, small-footprint wordprocessing application. However: Some things it just doesn't seem to do. I don't think it's possible to save these things in templates.
AW won't be upgraded anymore? Ok, the last version was in 2003 (6.2.9 I think??) but that doesnt mean that Apple isn't working on it anymore. Or is iWork now instead of AW? Because actually iWork can do everything AppleWorks can, except for Spreadsheets and Database.
I think the plan is to phase out AppleWorks. 2003 is *VERY* old, isn't it. I think it _does_ mean they're not working on it anymore, pretty clearly. Granted: iWork isn't just there yet, with spreadsheets/database missing. But "Numbers"/"Cells" or whatever it's going to be called has been rumoured for the iWork '07 upgrade. The database being the least important part (not for you personally, but statistically speaking), I'd say if iWork gets a spreadsheet app, it's pretty much done.
You're right Fryke. If iWork will get a spreadsheet app its complete. But what will "ersetzen" the Paint & Draw tools in AppleWorks? Word processing and presentations is in iWork. Spreadsheets is coming (but already possible inside Pages) and Database too. But Paint & Draw? Will they "ersetzen" it? Nowadays everyone has Photoshop and much more professional tools, so it might not even be necessary, which will again make it easier for Apple. One could notice Apple was starting to phase it out, since the last one (still think it's 6.2.9) was available for OS 9 and OS X. So it doesnt contain any Mac OS X only things, so it's quite obvious that it contains old technology, as everything it can do in OS X works in OS 9. If they were continuing it, they would have a Mac OS X only version (possibly 6.3.0) which features that only OS X could handle with.
OmniGraffle would be a good replacement for the Draw part in AppleWorks, no?

Thanks for the input. I have an 8ooMHz Titanium Powerbook which is getting on in years; I'm trying to be gentle with the processor. I want a text editor that I can leave open and forget about until I need it. I usually open just one document and use it for sort-of a running journal entry. I know there are alternatives, but I don't have AppleWorks, and MS Word is cumbersome. Stickes might be a better choice. Natobasso, the technique you referenced adds pictures to the document, but they cant' be used as background images.

Thanks, caoim
Oh, if only you'd have said that. ;) ... Search macupdate.com & versiontracker.com for "journal" and "diary". I think there should come up some nice ones.
Natobasso, the technique you referenced adds pictures to the document, but they cant' be used as background images.
Thanks, caoim

Yep; I said as much in my post.

You could also try Apple Pages (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/25600), but it's not a fully featured app. If you want backgrounds, you could go with Powerpoint (ugh) if you have it, but I wouldn't recommend it because printers don't take powerpoint files.