tftp from Mac to Linksys router



I followed your HowTo at trying to upload firmware from my Mac to my Linksys router. Unfortunately, the connection appears to time-out everytime I try. Is there anything else you can suggest I could try? Or is there any way I can avoid the connection to time-out? I am not too familiar with the terminal commands, however I found the step-by-step HowTo very easy to follow. Many thanks.

Hauke / germanuk
I guess you didn't read in that old thread that people were having trouble upgrading their routers using the Terminal method. Just use your web browser and get on with life.
Thanks for that. I would usually use the browser interface, however I bricked my HG200 so I cannot access it via browser whatsoever. Linksys' advice is to use tftp (but they only provide a tftp tool for Windows PCs). That's why I'm here.