The Apple Store refub area cleared...


Bona Fide Pater Familius
except for eMacs. Yesterday it was full of many items. Items from each thing they make.

Something for rumor or am I blowing smoke?
I liked the Tractor Icon but that one rocks too. And your not blowing smoke. Or at least i don't see any from my desk.
Doesn't really mean anything. Refurbished stuff goes fast because of the cheap pricing. :)
However it was full for a little over a month with little changes here and there. I can not see why there was a full page one day and then the next it's only eMacs.
They may have found a reseller who agreed to take on the inventory and move it out. They might have decided that selling the merchandise directly was reducing sales of brand-new hardware, whereas a reseller is likely to attract customers who otherwise wouldn't buy.
I called the apple store about it. They said it is updated on a daily basis and if the products are not listed, then they are no longer available. This doesn't really tell me much new, but that I missed my opportunity to get a 20gb iPod for 399 :(.

I hope the new ones come soon.