The Apple Stores are FREAKIN' ME OUT MAN

Harvey Norman have very good prices, sometimes better than MagnumMac in most respects and are open weekends too (sales bods not very mac savy though, not even pc savy at that).

We had to use them once when our G4 iMac got nicked from work – stupid buggers took the CPU but left the keyboard, mouse and pro speakers.

How's the eMac, good value?

well, i got this in an email today and didn't really feel like it deserved it's own thread but it sorta fits in here -

November 26, 2002
Vol. 7, No. 47

Last weekend, I checked out a new shopping center just across
the Bay Bridge from San Francisco. Nestled amongst the
restaurants and clothing shops is an Apple store (now you know
why I wanted to go). After perusing the latest in clothing and
shoes at the other shops, I made my way to the Apple store
where I was shocked, but not amazed, by what I saw. Among the
many G4 towers, iBooks, and slick-looking lamplike iMacs were
throngs of people, along with several friendly salespeople. It
was literally packed with people. The other stores I visited
beforehand had a fairly nice turnout for opening day, but this
place was truly a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd. It seems that
Thinking Different may not be so different anymore--with the
success of the new Apple stores, it seems anything can happen.

:D not too shabby, eh?