The Application Diskimagemounter Can Not Be Opened -36

Menno 64

I have a new MBP (OSX 10.12.2) since Jan18 and I tried using the Migrations Assistant and the TM-Backup from a Time-Capsule but that did not work. Then I tried to migrate my data directly from my MBP early 2013 (OSX 10.12.1) and that also did not work. In fact it resulted in me not being able to access my new Mac at all, I had to erase and reinstall OSX.

After that disaster I installed all my software manually, got my key-chain from iCloud and all of my cloud-data. However photo's and other stuff is still on the TM-backup and meanwhile (Jan22) I have sold my old MBP and still wish to retrieve my miscellanious data from the TM-backup on the time-capsule. That was up to date until Jan18...

I can't seems to access my backup however and I can't mount the sparsebundle containing my backup, the error "The application DiskImageMounter can not be opened -36" is on the screen when I try to. I found this thread: and that lead to but I don't understand how to interpret that hint to my situation. I am 100% sure I have my credentials correct, so I assume that's not the problem, but how can I go about this?

The sparse bundle-file is about 700GB, would that be a problem?
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Some additional info:
the sparsebundle seems to be OK. If enter the terminal and use sudo -s to become root, I can access the sparsebundle:
total 80
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 500 11 dec 2015 Info.bckup
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 500 11 dec 2015 Info.plist
drwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 764616 17 jan 19:20 bands
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 516 21 jan 17:46
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 516 21 jan 17:46
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 1288 21 jan 18:31
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 20326 21 jan 18:31
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 0 11 dec 2015 token​
After this step I am not sure what to do, but I only wish to mount and access this data with time-machine, so any of your suggestions will be much appreciated
Does the drive holding your Time Machine backup mount to your desktop? Try running Disk Utility on that drive and have it fix all the problems it finds.
Hi Cheryl, thank you for your reply. Yes it does mount and it contains a folder for my account and that contains a sparsebundle-file.

Meanwhile a have resolved my issue as follows:

The drive (actually a Time-Capsule) containing my TM-backup is mounted on my computer. Then in the command line I entered:
sudo hdid /Volumes/MountedTimeCapsule/computername.sparsebundle

After this the TimeMachine-backup is mounted to the desktop where I can browse the various dates for which TM-backups were created .... I am happy with this solution, I can retrieve my foto's and other stuff.