The case of the missing pointer


This is very wierd: I see my mouse pointer fine on one screen but it completely disappears when I move it to the other screen.

The even wierder thing is that the mouse actually works fine on both screens.

What can possibly cause this?
You say the mouse disappears when moving to the second screen, but works fine on both screens.

You could have the setup wrong. If you have the mouse showing on the screen on the left, and disappears when dragging to the screen on the right, try dragging the mouse to the left, off the left screen and see if it appears on the right screen.
Nope, I've definately got the screens set up right- i.e., the one on the left is supposed to be on the left and the one on the right is supposed to be on the right.

Anyway, I managed to get the system prefs up, jiggled about with the mouse settings and restarted the machine... all works fine now. Just very, very random and very, very wierd!