The clock is gone! All gone!


Bona Fide Pater Familius
OK, I was having fun and tried putting a theme on my machine. I used Duality. After I installed it, I didn't get my clock or sound menu. So, I remove the theme. No change. I remove a few other things. No change. What the...?

Anyone have any ideas?
What other things did you remove?
You have three library folders. One in your home, one sitting on your hard drive and one in the system folder.
Did you notice if Duality had an uninstall selection?
The only other things I removed were Synergy - an iTunes menu bar controller and iChoose - a URL menu

Duality is in only one of these areas. My hard drive.

There is no uninstaller for Duality.
Did you restart the computer? Some changes do not take affect until after the restart.
Do I assume that Twister and Banjo_Boy are one and the same?

Back to the subject: Boot up with the Jaguar CD and reinstall.
Originally posted by Cheryl
Do I assume that Twister and Banjo_Boy are one and the same?

Back to the subject: Boot up with the Jaguar CD and reinstall.

We are friends not the same person. ;)

And reinstall would SUCK big time. We wan't to try other fixes first.

Have you checked the Duality Read Me? Or even contacting the author about this?
I posted over at the duality forms and got no responce. Funny thing is it worked fine for me just not for banjo boy

Maybe you killed your SystemUIServer

It controls the menubar apps as well as recognizing newly plugged in devices like cameras and MP3 players and such.
OK newbie here

This might be obvious but what about checking the menu bar clock tab under date and time prefpane??
Does it actually turn ON first? As in it Appears then quits?

I hope hope hope hope you have a backup from before you boobooed.

If you do, go into the :System:Library:CoreServices: folder of both your real HD and the backup and replace the new with the old. You'll have to do it in root or copy with Sudo or what have you.

I say do it in Root. Drag old to Desktop. Drag new into Olds place in CoreServices.

Then launch Process Viewer and see if SystemUIServer is running. If so, Kill it. Then make sure it launches again. If it doesn't launch or is not running anyway, try doubleclicking on it. Or better yet, restart.
Nope it never actually turns on.

Backup. Umm no. Didn't do that. But can I copy my :System:Library:CoreServices: folder from my machine to his. Same OS. His is a G4 400 mine is a G4 450.

Go here and double click this:
Mac HD>System>Library>CoreServices>Menu Extras>

What happens?
I'm having same issues after 10.2.3 update. No themes installed though, just iChoose and ASM. Everything that was on right half of menu bar is gone, volume, displays, clock. Also, I can't access Network pane in System prefs. Freezes up and needs to be force-quit everytime.
iMac DV SE 400, 384 Ram
I ran fsck and Norton Utilites with no changes. Is there anyway to revert back to 10.2.2?