The Curse of the Never-Closing iTunes


Hey everyone,

As much as I love iTunes, I'm having a really, really annoying problem. Whenever I quit iTunes, it opens up again automatically! It even cancels shut down because it won't stop opening.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how I can stop it?

(Running iTunes 7.2 on 10.4.9. AluBook 1.5 GHz.)
Sounds like some other app (maybe one that's automatically started?) requires iTunes to be running. What's in your login items? Or what other apps are running while iTunes (obviously) wants to be running?
Perhaps you have set iTunes to launch whenevr ou have an audio CD in? Check Sys Prefs> CDs and DVDs.
Perhaps iTunes Helper is trying to do something odd, its usually in your Sys Prefs> Accounts>Login Items as default.

Justa couple of ideas.
Other programs such as Poisoned can also keep iTunes open. I did have this issue once before, and, oddly enough, deleting iTune's preferences fixed the problem. :confused: