The Dock in 10.2


I had a late beta copy of OS X 10.2 (like d115 or soemthign like that)...and I remember the dock had a really cool feature. You could minimize a window, and then drag that minimized window out of the dock, and put it anywhere you wanted. However, in 10.2 final (and all subsequent updated) this feature is no longer available :( Does anybody know how to reactivate this feature...or has it been lost forever, never to return? (Gotta love the dramatics) Thanks!
Doesn't work with Transparent Dock though


I tried it for a's pretty useless since the windows always stay on top. It gets rather annoying.
ehh, i don't use Window Shade anyways. Reminds me of OS9 and when I have a lot of windows open - which I usually do it takes up a lot of screen real estate.
I love min in place. I have used the hack since I got Jag when it came out. I hope that they bring mip back in 10.3 and make it so that they are not always on top. Arg.