the dreaded file sharing help


often asked about and always frustrating topic of i need file sharing help...

among other devices i have 2 macs a mac book running os x 10.6, and a mac mini running os x 10.6 both computers are connected to a netgear n router, and share a printer and can connect to the internet,, however neither can connect to each other wirelessly....

now both macs are clearly on the same network since they can share the printer, and both macs can see each other if i use a ethernet cable, and if i setup a ad hoc wireless network they can see each other but it is very slow and a hassle.

i have been pulling my hair out as to why they can't see each other though the router anyone have any ideas why this would happen? pretty sure it something to do with the router but i honestly have no idea where to start
Give me the IPs of the machines and router. Internal only not public. If you run this command on each Mac and show me the output that would be great.

ifconfig -a

This command will display all the IPs for all your networking devices on your Mac.

I hope this helps.
i am not home yet... but the ip's listed in system properties is

and the printer they connect to is
I think that your router may have some sort of security feature that is preventing your Macs from seeing each other. Now you said that you can do everything on the Ethernet. I would also check you firewall on each Mac. Is there any 3rd party security software on your MACs. You said you can see the other Mac form the other mac, do you mean by using ping?

I will look at my Macs network setting when I get home.
Some Routers (my d-link included) have a 'guest zone' wi-fi connection.

Make sure you are connecting to your Internal /Secure wifi - the 'guest zone' wi-fi is specially firewalled on the router to disallow viewing other computers on the network.