The first seemless Mac OS X Theme

Um... no - I do NOT want anyone or anything changing my icons thank you very much! I'll go insane! :D

I've been downloading tons of icons and have been modifying most of my icons with new ones. I'd die if they are globaly changed! :p

Unless a themer would be smart enough to NOT modify ones that where already modified... or only does it to generic icons (finder, unmodified folders, apps with no specific icon, trash, etc.)

Themes can only modify generic icons, like folders and generic drive icons and stuff, so your custom icons wouldn't be messed with.

The thing about AluniteX is that although it looks different, it's not too different that it needs a changed dock or changed icons. Well, maybe the blue icons should've been grey, but it still looks really seemless.
Not really on topic, but how do you get iTunes to shrink down to that smaller window?

That does look nice. I might even change the theme in OS X. Really though, there just should be per-user theme preferences. I mean morally, there just ought to. Are you listening, Mr. Jobs?
To get iTunes to shrink that small, just press the green maximize button (the one that has a + on it when you move your mouse over the widgets). Once you do that, you can make it even smaller by grabbing the resize widget and moving it towards the controls – this way you'll have iTunes taking up a REALLY small amount of screen real-estate, only showing the three window widgets, the three controls, and the volume slider (no music info).
Just think of the small window as default and the big one as maximised and it'll be intuitive.
installation of the seperate download of the theme failed, but i used the online feature of duality, which was able to download and install the A team just fine :)
Anyone install this theme and thentry to go back to Aqua? A while back I installed Duality and some other themes. I went to go back to Aqua and there were still some things that were jacked up. I've been weary of themes since then. Anyone tried AquaFix yet? I'll probably end up giving this a shot and hosing my system again, but oh well.

Edit-- Nevermind. I downloaded it and noticed that it had a Restore Theme. Nice touch. :D
Originally posted by voice-
Just think of the small window as default and the big one as maximised and it'll be intuitive.

'Intuitive - If it isn't, think the other way round, yeah.' :) Nope, the "+" doesn't really make sense in this case at all. And the minimized state of iTunes clearly is just that, while the normal state is normal and not maximized.
Originally posted by fryke

'Intuitive - If it isn't, think the other way round, yeah.' :) Nope, the "+" doesn't really make sense in this case at all. And the minimized state of iTunes clearly is just that, while the normal state is normal and not maximized.

Of course the "minimized" state of iTunes would be in the Dock, no? ;)
One good thing about OmniWeb... you don't get people spelling "seamless" as "seemless."

I'm sure that here, as in college, I'll get a reputation as the jerk who corrects everyone's grammar and spelling.

Oh well!

-the valrus
Man, this Alumite theme is sweet! :D
But I couldn't get it to work using Duality 3.1. Had to dl MetamorphX just so I could run it. :confused:
One good thing about OmniWeb... you don't get people spelling "seamless" as "seemless."
Oh, you still can spell lots of words incorrectly. You just get a red line underneath. Sometimes. At one point I typed in "I hve seen"... and OW didn't pick it up. Last time I checked, hve is not a word.... :rolleyes:

Anyway, the spell checker in any app is only as good as the person paying attention to it. :)
And, inevitably, especially since I am using the spell-checker-less Chimera/Navigator/Whatever, sometime I'll spell a word wrong, and then I'll feel like a real dork.:rolleyes:

-the valrus
I think there's only two themes right now that engage my productivity well enough. Apple's Graphite Aqua theme and: SmoothStripes of which you see a screenshot below (if this works...). No transparency in menus. Subtle shading effects. Like Platinum only much, much more beautiful.


  • smoothstripes.gif
    13.4 KB · Views: 60
This theme is very nice, but the biggest issue I take with it is the one theme element we see all the time- the menu bar. I really like the aqua menu bar. For some reason, it is the only one I have ever seen that looks 'real,' like I can reach out and tough it. It looks like a piece of translucent plastic...I love it. I think AlumiteX could have this feel too - even better, in fact: I like the narrower pinstriping in this theme. Its like a more sophisticated version of Aqua (the pinstriping, not the whole theme). I would like to use this background, but only if I can make the menubar match. Hmmm......maybe I should try doing it myself. We'll see; just thought I'd toss in my $0.02 and explain why I'm back in Aquaville
My turn back to Aqua (which I often did before SmoothStripes) has much more to do with something else than the 'plastic feel'. It's a refined theme. There were people who actually thought about what they did. They didn't want it to look oh-so-cool only, but also to be something useful. And you notice that while working, almost automatically. If I want funky themes and a GUI that gets in the way, I turn on my Windows XP box. Or a Playstation 2.


Gotta get some work done: Let Apple do the Theme(s).