the good ol' cartoon shows...

The Loony Tunes cartoons were great because you had so much violence. I also enjoyed the early Tom & Jerry when they really got down and dirty (and twice, the cartoon ended with Tom having eaten Jerry, which was great).
Johnny Quest was interesting because it had people dying.
But some of the live-action stuff was good too. Remember Will & Holly (god, how did I drudge that up) from Land of the Lost? The sleestak were too cool.

Others included Shazam/Isis and Sigmund The Sea Monster. And SuperFriends had one good episode: Plasticman.

I also hated Fantastic Four because Human Torch had to be replaced by the evil H.E.R.B.I.E. (probably running windoze).
I also hated Fantastic Four because Human Torch had to be replaced by the evil H.E.R.B.I.E. (probably running windoze).

I always figured this was because the Human Torch was too difficult to draw. If you can't reuse the same basic drawings, changing only the lipsync, it's too expensive...
i am guessing that you people have found (or should find) Boomerang (it's by cartoon network and shows really old shows)

and what about Johnny Quest? (heh i remember the newer version of that show which had cool 3d stuff)