The Governator


Sarah Connor?

Seriously though, I saw a show on Bravo a couple years ago about Arnold and the entertainment enterprise he has built around himself. And regardless of what you think about his politics, the guy is actually much smarter then I thought he was. If he can manage California as well as he managed his businesses and his entertainment enterprise then you guys won't be so bad off. If I heard correctly he's pro-choice and pro-gay rights.
Yes, but he did support Proposition 187... which denies health care and other stuff to illegal immigrants... which, is bad, considering much of our economy relies on them and their sometimes "low-level" jobs.

So, he pisses off the Republicans with his views of "pro-choice" and "gay rights," but pisses off the Democrats with his support of Prop 187 (which, btw, passed)... he's an interesting guy, I'll give you that.
How bad can he be? Getting Warren Buffett with him as financial adviser was shrewd. He can finance his own campaign, he's probably the first person to ever get a Kennedy to vote GOP.

I just hope it doesn't turn into a Jerry Springer politcal circus.
Funny thing, is that Springer was a politician till forced out. Cincy mayor or something.
Yes, mayor of Cincinnati. Same house of tricks as his show, probably. ;)

If Arnold actually wins this recall election, he better do a damn good job as governator. If Californians are shortsighted enough to oust our current governor just because of some political problems and put someone else in place who probably can't do anything to help, the guy who steps in had better make sure he fixes our state.

I'm pro-gay rights (I think it's their decision, and no one else's business), anti-abortion (give babies a chance, even if they aren't wanted; they deserve to be given a chance at life with someone who will adopt them), and anti-death penalty (no one should be able to take another's life; it's simply legallized murder). I think Prop 187 is good and bad. It's good because it ends the free lunch for illegal immigrants and hopefully encourages them to become legal citizens, but it's bad because it could drive them away.
yeah, I think abortion is unconscionably disgusting, especially late-term abortion. I mean that has got to be the darkest side of humanity that we think it's OK to kill a growing fetus that can't talk yet and say "please, don't kill me, I want to live and enjoy the world, this is my only chance, my only chance mommy, I want to see the world, don't do it..." The most sacred thing in life is life, but people have been permitted to look at it as a mistake, and nothing more, it's not a life, it's just a big mistake that I need to flush down the toilet so I can continue my precious selfish life the way I want to.

Hey, if these people want to kill their own babies, let em do it the old-fashioned way. Don't set up processing facilities to make murder a nice and easy process.

Of course there are rare exceptions - namely rape pregnancy, but it's got to stop, we have to move into the 21st century of accountability and responsibility.
I think the only exception to pro-life should be in the case of danger to the mother. Even children of rape victims should be given a chance; they still become people! Going through a full pregnancy is much more healthy for the mother than having an abortion; her body doesn't build all those hormones for nothing, and the likelihood of rejecting a later child is much lower. I read that after the second abortion, a woman's body will reject a fetus because it's been conditioned to think it unnatural.
I got bored the other night and made a Governator poster. I made it before I saw this thread, so I didn't steal the name Governator from this or anything (I was actually pretty shocked when I saw the title of the thread). Anyway, check it out:

PS. This picture does not showcase my full Photoshop skills. Just wanna be clear on that.