The Holidays come to Herve's


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Well kids, here we are at December 1 already so it's time to start celebrating the season...

Herve's is doing it's part by always having eggnog, Tom and Jerry's and Hot Buttered Rums available, the Christmas songs are on the Jukebox and of course, the mistletoe has been hung from every doorway as well as over the bar

I tend to be a bit of a Scrooge myself about the whole business but it's not going away, so let's try to have a decent attitude and use this time to let the people we care about know that we do.

Hope to see you drop in and have a candy cane and at least say Hello!

*grabs some of the Chirstmas toons and puts on a Santa hat*

I love Andy Williams! :)
blatant commercial advertising disguised as holiday spirit. bah. humbug :p

ok, i'll start by wishing a very happy yule to everyone! :)
Happy Channukah, too! .... Not that I'm Jewish..... but I'm sure there are a few around here.

*AdamByte downs some Eggnog*

I love eggnog. I never thought I'd be so happy to drink eggs, but I love the stuff. G-d bless whoever thought it would be a good idea to drink eggs. Happy Holidays.