The importance of a Macintosh

I can think of three obvious examples of TextEdit behaving like a UNIX app:

1) It will freak out if you move/rename the open file or a host directory/non-root volume. In other words if you change the path of an open file. Mac apps (esp. Carbon apps) treat a file's path as variable, not constant (or at least are supposed to).

2) Text selection isn't Mac-like. This is a general problem with Cocoa apps using NSLayoutManager. For example selecting down on the right side will select the trailing linefeed of the last line selected when it shouldn't.

3) TextEdit has various hotkeys which aren't pointed out in the menus. Its overall interface is a bit chaotic. Also it has different modes which doesn't follow the Mac methodology.

I would use TextEdit if 1 and 2 were fixed, but not before.
Ah. Well OS X is the only reason I got a Mac in the first place, so I really don't know "typical" Mac behavior. I like TextEdit because of things like the Emacs style keybindings.