The little red 'i'


I made an error in judgement and downloaded Safari to run on my windows vista, then it gave me all these little red 'i' s on all my photos and doc's and so i deleted the program but cannot get rid of the red 'i's and this sucks. Please someone help me out of this I will never buy or use another mac product you can believe this. And to think I decided to use the Safari because i was going to purchase an I-phone today. it must be fate that is warning me.
Those two problems sound eerily unrelated. Installing Safari would not cause all your icons to have little, red "i" letters on them.

Provide a screenshot of these icons, please, and that will give us more information about what they may be related to. Just because you installed Safari and little, red "i" letters appear on your icons around the same time does not automatically infer that the two events are in any way related, but providing a screenshot, having an open mind, ditching the Mac-bashing and following instructions carefully will help us determine that and help you get back on your way to an Apple-free life.