The mac experience: rich and cheap!


A number of posts on this here board cathart about which mac to get and - oh my god, what will I do when the next new thing comes out and, suddenly, I've got the new old thing. I am certainly not immune to such worries myself, but a litle reflection offers some respite. I have had a Lombard for 3 years or so (before that: 2400c, various duos, IIcx, powerbook 160, and a mac plus). I certainly want a TiBook, and will get one - when they hit 800+mhz, higher resolution screen, super drive, etc. But... do I need one? ...or am I just somewhat pissed off that I can buy a 667 for less than I paid for the Lombard in the first place? Even if the Lombard is worth zip today, it still only cost me $3/day over its lifespan - three dollars!!! Most people (including me) spend more than that on coffee. The bottom line is: my machine makes me money, gives me presentation skills, offers a wealth of communication options, and even makes me feel smug when I see someone using a windows machine. I should actually insist to pay more considering everything it does for me. I am sincerely grateful to apple for pulling off their turnaround act and giving us all the option to be at the vanguard of personal computing. My one complaint: Steve, please stop being a d***head and give us the PDA we deserve.
That's awesome man, it's cool that your computer has lasted you so long and continues to work well. I got my iBook 500 back in the beginning of the Fall semester (August '01) and it's held it up pretty good for the past 5 months. I'll [hopefully] be using this computer at east until I graduate which is another 2 years away. If a computer can last 2 years without becomming unusable, that's amazing.

Anyhoo, goodluck with your hunt for the perfect TiBook!
Yeah, I'm another happy PB owner, but mine's older! ;)

$3,800 brand new PB Wallstreet in '98, still is kicken' for me. It makes me happy when PC users ask if I just got it, and I say, "nooo, I've had it for a long time". For the most part, they just don't know how long Macs can be productive. I plan on getting a new iMac as soon as I can afford it!
I own a PowerBook G3 Lombard and I'm pleased with it. I just put in a 20gb IBM travelstar harddrive and went from 192 to 384mb ram. Should help a bit.
One thing though, there's no support for the grafic card in os x, not pleased with Apple for that.
Hey, I agree with the original post, if you look at how long our macs have lasted us, we really don't pay that much for them. I mean I bought my iMac exactly around this time 3 years ago and it lasted me for a long time. I'm now 18 and just bought a new TiBook. I wasn't actually planning on it but the people at the Apple Store - Mall of America *rock* and I walked out with a TiBook, where as I walked in just "looking." But yeah, I know that my 2,300 dollar investment for this thing will last me a while, now if I could just figure out Mac OS X's filing system. Anyways, have fun with your macs everyone. :)
As a long time PC user (converted to the Mac way 2 years ago) I was a bit scepticle when I bought a lowly 450mhz G3 imac. 450mhz I scoffed - that is so slow.

Now however the thing keeps amazing me, my friends ask what I'm running under that shinny Sage case. I tell them 450 mhz, they scoff at it like I used to.

ANyway - this is a Laptop thread, soo... I really want one*, an iBook, not a TiBook (does that count as on-topic?)


*any insane rablings in this post are the fault of AK...