Johnny Blaze said:
While a great campaign, many people simply will not spend over a $1000 on a macintosh computer when they never had the chance to try it out, regardless of even the most influential marketing campaign.
Some of us wouldn't spend $1000 on a Mac even being life long Mac users.
My fastest system is a Sawtooth G4 with a G4 running at 1.2 GHz (256k of L2, 2 MB of L3), nVidia GeForce2 MX video card (32 MB of VRAM), 640 MB of memory (should be up to 1 GB in a few weeks), with 60 GB and 30 GB drives on the logic board's UltraATA/66 bus and a 400 GB drive on a Serial ATA card. My total investment in this system (since I got it last month) is $245.
My second fastest system is a Beige G3 Mini Tower with a G4 running at 533 MHz (1 MB of L2), ATI Radeon 7000 video card (32 MB of VRAM), 640 MB of memory, 80 GB drive on an UltraATA/66 card, a CD-ROM drive (first ATA/33 bus on logic board), DVD-ROM drive (second ATA/33 bus) and a 2 port USB card. That system was free (I put none of my own money into building that system).
The third fastest system I own is my PowerBook G3 Wallstreet (which I've been using since 2001). It has a G4 at 500 MHz (1 MB of L2), 512 MB of memory, 40 GB and 20 GB hard drives, CDRW drive and a USB 2.0 card. My total investment in that system over about 6 years has been about $650.
My main mobile system is a PowerBook G4 Lombard. It is using it's original G3 at 400 MHz (1 MB of L2), has 512 MB of memory, an 11 GB hard drive, wireless card and battery life of about 1.5 hours. I bought that system last summer for $100.
That is four Macs acquired over six years to reach a total hardware investment of $995. And that is only four of my 24 Macs (the total investment of the other 20 would most likely not exceed $1800 since 1997).
And this is how Apple will take down Rockefeller Microsoft.
And this is where bad ideas come from.
Why does Apple need to
take down Microsoft? Why do we need to see Apple pitted against Microsoft?
Thankfully Apple doesn't make it's business choices based on trying to play out some form of
Reality TV or
Shock TV concept.
I'm sure people would love to see you step into a cage with an 800 pound gorilla and
take it down. But if you are smart (and plan on having a long life) I'd think you would want to steer clear of a confrontation like that.