Also, the Mac mini has been out a while, so there _is_ information on how well the integrated graphics stuff performs in Mac OS X and what it supports. I don't see how this is a deal-breaker. I mean, yeah: For gamers. But then the iBook/MacBook *never* was for you. It never was a top of the line gaming computer ever. When stuck at G3/G4 processors, it didn't even have the raw processing power gamers craved, and their graphics cards were _always_ at the low end. Sure, I agree that they _could_ have used one of the cheaper ATi or nVidia cards, but those would not have been enough for serious gaming (*cough*), either. Not for more than a month or two, anyway...
Giaguara: Vertical pixels are for height, not width.
About the use of such a 'book by a professional: I consider myself one in more than one way... I was waiting for this as my favourite typewriter on-the-go - and this task it'll serve well (if the keyboard's okay, that is, I wonder...).
I'm also a graphics pro - and that's what I need the resolution for. 1024*768 didn't really cut it, and I like to work also when I'm on the road, not just at home where I have a larger external display. For DTP you don't really need the 3D graphics power. Not at all, in fact 8 MB VRAM would be perfectly okay even today (although Mac OS X would crawl to a halt at some point...). See: It can drive a 23" Cinema Display just fine at 1920*1080, so that's fine. It probably won't play HD movies at 1080p without stuttering, but I don't intend to do that on it, anyway, since the video projector I connect it do only does 800*600, and the next one I'll buy will do 1024*768, so even _then_ I won't need the graphics card a Doom 3 player needs. Seriously: Consider playing games on an Xbox or PS2/PS3 and use your _computer_ for work and other entertainment... I think people who expect this MacBook to be "the gamer's choice" are simply mistaken at the very beginning...