The most disturbing spam, EVER!


Translator, Web Developer
I can understand how some people might be tempeted, either out of misinformation or despiration, to buy Viagra, or a mortgage, from a SPAM email.

But this one really blew my mind :confused:

I can't imagine the kind of person who would go for this...


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I don't see what the harm is, unless it being that you don't know who's spamming you and what they really intend. If it were legitimate, would you think it was okay?
Well, for me, the point revolves around its legitimacy.

I don't trust this any more than the Nairobi scam (hi I'm Mr. X with a million bucks can you help me transfer it...) and that scam is only money, not my progeny :p
theres stuff like that on the radio and on tv all the time... "come down to this hotel at this time on this day so this proven hollywood talent agency can evaluate you... [talent agency] has provided actors to all kinds of movies and magazines, come on down and see if you have what it takes..'
but those are almost always going to be legit, because most pedophiles aren't gonna be able to pay for an ad on a popular media, but they could send out a few hundred emals. but what can anyone do?
"This is your child getting kidnapped. This is us doing sadistic and horrific things to your child. This is your child's makeshift grave. This is us getting arrested for torturing and murdering children based on an email scam." Yeesh. What a movie.
Why does this happen. how could people in the world MAKE THINGS LIKE THIS WTF!? 3 months to 14 years old!? what kind of sick bastard sent that to you?
As long as the people who get these are smart enough to block and delete, then we are okay.