the new G5 in maya Render benchmarks

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And there was also Luxology's demo at the Paris expo of their forthcoming renderer.

A billion poly render (with radiosity) in 40 seconds-ish. That's, um, like fast and stuff. However, to be fair, I don't know what the PC render speeds are for Luxology's renderer (it's a cross platform app). Either way, it's still mighty fast on the G5s. Luxolgy, from what I can tell [given that the web content is filled with OS X screen caps and such] is a very Mac-biased company, which will be nice.
arent Luxology the people behind Lightwave? I know its Newtek that do the distribution, but I thought they developed it?... have they sold it to Newtek now then?

Yeah, impresive about modo. would like to see it compared to the PC version. I think it was demoed at Siggraph...
Up there with the fastest AMD etc? The Dual Opteron at 2.4 GHz kicks the Dual G5 2.5 GHz's a??. Can't put it any differently...
fryke said:
Up there with the fastest AMD etc? The Dual Opteron at 2.4 GHz kicks the Dual G5 2.5 GHz's a??. Can't put it any differently...

Yes, but Windows crashes so much I still get more frames out of my G5 than my Win boxes.
yes the dual opteros, they kicked the G5 ass.
with the exception that the g5s ran 10.2.8

and btw, how much optimized is maya 5 for the G5 ? id wait till tiger, and a tuned version of maya to compare results :)

PS: these tests dont seem very trustworthy to me..

if u look dowwwn the chart u see some weird things...
slower pentiums passing faster pentiums in test.
and the same goes for AMD machines..!
How optimized is Maya and Windows for the Opteron? In fact, optimizing for the Opteron would probably yield a bigger performance gain than optimizing for the G5 mainly because the x86 arch is starved for CPU registers and the Opteron doubles the number of available registers for programmers to work with. This has been demonstrated to provide an increase of up to 40% in performance. And this is just a simple recompile.

Wait till the code gets properly optimized. Not everything in the PC world sucks, and the Opteron is a prime example of a processor that doesn't suck.
Anim8r said:
Yes, but Windows crashes so much I still get more frames out of my G5 than my Win boxes.
I don't want this to sound insulting, but I honestly think you're doing something wrong with your win boxes. I get months of uptime from my XP boxes. Point is, different people get different experiences. More importantly, the thing to focus on is the fact that Mac users have a CPU that won't put us to shame. Even if it doesn't win in all the races, as long as it keeps us happy that makes us winners right?
The other point is that, for 3D specifically, us Mac users have been utterly trounced by PC boxes for quite a while now. The G5s and more current interations of software like Maya start to bridge the gap and really make the G5 a viable machine.

For example, for 90% of even the mid to high end 3D crowd, a dual G5 with the current best Mac video card would more than suffice. Now, for rendering, every extra second can make a difference, so for some shops it's important to shave off ten seconds here and there. For that, the PC/Linux boxes are faster so far. I can't blame them.

I'm just glad that I, as a small shop with minimal 3D needs, can be extremely productive on my Macs. As I grow in 3D, presumably the software and hardware will be in line with my needs. I am optimistic. As it is, Maya runs very well on my lowly Dual g4 1 ghz.

The author of one of the premier guides for MEL scripting (Mark Wilkins) is a Mac guy and he has stated in forums that he now believes Maya on the Mac is an excellent choice unless you absolutely need the fastest possible rendering performance.

Bob Gundu of Alias is a Mac guy and he runs and edits his Maya tutorials on Macs. Some of Gnomon Workshop tutorial DVDs are done running Maya on Macs. The Mac is definitely in the mix these days for 3D. Look at how many seats of Maya are sold for Macs. The Mac is no longer an "also ran" in 3D and it's about dang time. It's a very exciting time to be a Mac user. Things are very good now and can only get even better.


As for Luxology and Lightwave, I do not know their history other than to point out that indeed the entire staff on the Luxology site is listed as former Lightwave employees. I searched Newtek's site and found no mention of Modo or Luxology. They really need a free demo of Modo if they want it to take off, though.
Lycander said:
I don't want this to sound insulting, but I honestly think you're doing something wrong with your win boxes. I get months of uptime from my XP boxes. Point is, different people get different experiences. More importantly, the thing to focus on is the fact that Mac users have a CPU that won't put us to shame. Even if it doesn't win in all the races, as long as it keeps us happy that makes us winners right?

Well, it was kind of insulting.
I run Boxx windows machines with absolutley no extra software on them. 3 GB of RAM with 300 GB of HD storage strictly for rendered images. I should have been more specific though. XP doesn't crash... Maya simply stops rendering after 30 to 60 frames and has to be restarted.
I can run Maya on the G5 and still do other things without worrying about Maya crashing or stopping a render.
Yes, these are really nice results. The G5 is up there which is a major change from a year ago with Maya 5. The test shows that the top results are all with Maya 6. But, keep in mind that, OS X is very multi-task friendly unlike XP which allows an App to quickly hog up the CPU. If you emulated XP's priority model by renicing Maya, you may find yourself able to squeeze out another 10-20%.

Nevertheless, for all around performance the Mac G5 seems to rule right now.
Lycander said:
I don't want this to sound insulting, but I honestly think you're doing something wrong with your win boxes. I get months of uptime from my XP boxes. Point is, different people get different experiences. More importantly, the thing to focus on is the fact that Mac users have a CPU that won't put us to shame. Even if it doesn't win in all the races, as long as it keeps us happy that makes us winners right?

yeah... my uncle gets good uptime with this laptop running XP.. the only thing is he only runs mozilla and a stock exchange app and media player that all...
and.. surprise surprise... hes allready formated his computer 2 times in the past 5months because of viruses and other malware :)
I run Maya 6 on my Windows Box... Win2k3 Server to be exact. It doesn't crash at all. That's my P4 3.2ghz 2Gb PC, to be exact. And I run way more stuff than "just" the aforementioned apps.

And as far as optimization, you'll find that rarely software is optimized for the Opteron... not yet at least. Still waiting on the Windows OS to take advantage of the Opteron's architecture.

Ain't happened yet.

But, let's be honest. Those G5's lost. They also lost in comparisons for Photoshop and After Effects in the real world numbers not too long ago - article was at if you're feeling "searchy"...

They just lost. But not by much.
More optimization needs to be done for the G5 as well, I'm sure. I base that assumption on what I've read about the 970 architecture. I'm not saying that will make the G5 always win in comparisons.


How do I get to the article you mentioned on Couldn't find anything.

The Opterons may be faster than the G5s by only 12 seconds in this benchmark, but that translates to more than 20% faster. This quickly adds up, if you're doing large jobs that take hours.
Frustration with Windows XP can quickly lead to homicidal rage. That can quickly add up too.

Pop up: Would you like to take a tour of Windows XP?
You have unused icons on your desktop. Would you like to clean them up?
Why is there a puppy dog in the search program?
Where in the #@^$#?? h#ll is the firewall setting?
What are all these stupid little applets that insist on launching at boot-up? Can I go to the Startup folder to disable them? No? Why the #%@%?? not?
Why did my machine just shut down after I dialed up to the Internet?
My wife's friend managed to have 1500 files on her hard drive infected by viruses. What the?
HOW MANY programs do I have to buy to get rid of all this spyware?
What IS this network virus that is actively attacking her computer?
WHAT DO YOU MEAN _I_ didn't shut down the #$#(ing computer properly. YOU #*$#*$?? crashed you *#$*%?#ing piece of $h!l!


fryke said:
Up there with the fastest AMD etc? The Dual Opteron at 2.4 GHz kicks the Dual G5 2.5 GHz's a??. Can't put it any differently...

I have used intel, Mac and AMD in 3d for a long time and I can tell you to say one is faster overall than the other is just plain ignorant.

I have personal benches that show Dual 1.25 G4 out doing Dual amd 2000 (1.67Ghz) and Xeon dual 2.4Ghz in Lightwave. They are real projects too.

I can post them somewhere if u like. Can you show me the benches to support your claims.
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