The new guy


I just joined the forums. Just last week I decided to make the switch from PC to Mac. Im currently saving up for a Powerbook and should get it sometime early next year. Im really exited to be leaving the horros of the windows world, and want to learn as much as I can about OSX before I get my new system. So....Hi.
yeah, welcome!
this place is AWESOME for noobs to the savvy mac veterans. I joined a couple years ago prior to getting my powerbook. this place has really educated me quite a bit. everyone's great about offering help.

check out the threads especially about the great apps that people have on their systems. the small apps seem to make such a huge difference. here are a few of the threads (sorry, it'll suck hearing about these w/o being able to try them, but it'll give you a great idea of what to check out when you finally get your Apple)
welcome. there is lots of good info here. this is one of the two OS X sites i visit. the other one is which is not better but also a great resource. i have found everything i need on the two sites.
you were right, looking at all those apps just makes the anticipation so much more powerfull. i might just have to hit up the parents for a loan.
Hello DanTekgeek,personally I think you're going to love it here.With such a wide range of people here makes it interesting indeed.
Hi Dan,
welcome ;)

I spent months in Linux before getting a Mac, as I didn't have money when I wanted one, and just could not get a 'real computer' straight away. The Linux experience was quite helpful, so if you will feel geeky, maybe limited try of some Linux (Mandrake and Suse are easy to install to start ..) if you have some spare PC hardware before, might not be a bad idea.
But if you don't feel like Linuxing around, no harm done .. ;)
Nice nice! :D
Thanks to Linux stuff it will take you no time to enjoy the *X parts of Mac once you will have it.. ;)