The new iMac, HOLY COW

I like the white style, it was more "perfect" than this black/grey/white style.

I think that glossy look is better to watch video and other animations, but the matt screen is better for working. In addition I suppose the glass is slightly tinted like my (very old) B&O TV screen. It helps the contrast by making blacks feel much darker.
My only worry is getting the thing calibrated. I have a feeling its display is difficult to match to a matte LCD or a printer...
Maybe Apple is trying to push people doing any kind of "pro" work that requires correct colour to get Mac Pros.::evil::
To get "correct" color, you need a high end LCD which Apple doesn't even sell. I know a designer that has two LCD's, once is his larger, general use LCD or primary, his second monitor is his "true color" LCD that he uses for print material and that sort of thing and color verification. This same setup can easily be done with an iMac.
Maybe Apple is trying to push people doing any kind of "pro" work that requires correct colour to get Mac Pros.::evil::

Well, that pisses me off. I'd like to have a new iMac in my art department that can match my PMS books...

Oh, and the cinema displays can be color calibrated just fine. It's the glass and the gloss that make this difficult.
At least with the non glossy ones that were in the previous iMacs and the current Cinema Displays it's a little easier to get closer to the correct colour. I think anyone that really cares would have a CRT setup for testing out on anyways.
To my surprise, not expected for delivery until Tuesday or Wednesday, my new iMac shows up a little after 9am this morning.

Honestly, it doesn't seem "glossy" as in MacBook glossy to me. In fact, when the screen is powered on, I have to focus and look for reflections (which can be seen) but I have to think about it to even see it. I'll post more as the experience unfolds.
My only worry is getting the thing calibrated. I have a feeling its display is difficult to match to a matte LCD or a printer...

Use a eye-one display2 or like device to get the colour set right, does lcd,crt and laptop displays. The eye-one is Mac and Windows compatable.
It's driving me nuts, we ordered the iMac about the beginning of last week and they haven't shipped it yet!!!!
I bought the 17" from the last line up and I so want to trade it in for a new one. Just wondering though how much I'll have to spend. I'm very happy with mine but would have like more GB on it, never thought I'd go through 160GB. Not sure I like the black box around the screen though.
