Originally posted by vic
speaking to americans only? why? what is the difference between your grocery store and mine - here in canada? or germany? or france? or china?
Many countries have much stronger laws than the US on standards for treatment of animals in agriculture. Other countries have weaker laws...
Also, regardless of the laws, consumer demands are different, which leads to different things being available. I spent last summer mostly in Munich, Germany. At the grocery store nearest where I was staying, you had a choice between certified free-range eggs, and certified free-range, organic, appropriate-diet-for-the-chickens, string-quartets-every-Saturday-in-the-henhouse eggs. This was an ordinary grocery store - they carried these eggs because that's all that sold. OK, I made up the string quartet bit.
Originally posted by bighairydog
Some people, such as those that you mentioned who would kill in order to further their religious or political cause, have not signed the unwritten contract of society
Does that include the US government? Or was Vietnam (etc.
etc. etc) just a little misunderstanding? They have not signed the
same contract that you have, that's all. When each individual contract says it's OK to kill people who are under a different contract, this doesn't help us much.
Note: I'm not against the US specifically, pretty well every major government has cynically killed innocents to further its political goals. I just happen to know more about the specific misdeeds of the US.