The Positive Reaction Thread

OK, sure, so I wasn't floored with the new tower line, but my demands are pretty outrageous. The new tower line is, however, good to very good. The entry level DP 867 is a clear bang for your buck winner. That thing is almost as fast as my DP 1 gig (old model) at half the price! That thing should sell well.

The top end 1.25 didn't seem so dramatic until I thought about it for a sec. That's a 25% speed increase in one fell swoop. Sure, there's a premium for it, but 25% is a big increase.

And the mid-range DP 1 gig is a great box in its own right. My older model version runs 10.1.5 very well and I can't wait to see what Jaguar will do.

For those of you thinking about a new box, you will not be disapointed with these new DPs. DP is for real in OS X. I can capture a 50 minute DV clip from tape, download a 30 meg .sit file from the web, burn a CD, browse the web and type a letter all at the same time. I do it all the time. OS 9 NEVER would have come close to being able to handle that.
Originally posted by Paragon
I'm in the market looking for a new mac and now I can get a dual 867 for the price of an "old" dual gig's price.

That's not a good thing. Or just a typo?
Only last month the single 800 MHz was $1599 US. Now $1699 US for the dual 867. What's the price difference from last months base 800Mhz PowerMac and this month's dual 867Mhz over there?
Originally posted by MacLegacy
Solrac, do you have a toyota supra? :eek:

FINALLY someone mentions this! I've had it in my signature ever since I joined this board! More mac users should know about the Toyota Supra... the macintosh of cars.... LOL :D

Ok not really... The Supra is more like the best of the PC AND the best of the mac.... of cars... :D :D :D

Anyway I used to have a 3rd generation supra, but my dream car is the 4th generation.... the mkiv Twin Turbo Supra Six Speed....

I don't have it yet, hence the "soon to be supra" comment....

Soon.... soon.... soon.... droooooool.....
I read a lot posts here which go something like this:
PC software catch Apple software in ease of use, stability, etc.

Then how come every single person that comes in our company to see and/or buy a computer (we sell & support BOTH PCs and Macs) when sees/uses Windows (any version including XP) AND Mac OS X + its apps drools all over the place? I mean REALLY drool... They always back off when:
-They learn the Mac products prices
-That they cannot run Mac OS X + its apps on the Intel/Amd platforms
-That they cannot run Fifa2002WorldCup, CounterStrike (insert almost ANY PC game here)

But in the end, even when they go and buy the PC, they still WANT a Mac just because of design, Mac OS X, stability and other things that they EASILY notice in 15-30 minutes mini presentations of Apple's products...

Methinks, that the Wintel/Amd platform have MANY things to learn from Apple and not just one or two!

I wrote the above text not because I want to start a debate but mostly as a description of a fact that I live every single day in my life for the past one and a half year or so...

PS. Apple does a great job and I think that even those who say bad things about Apple, deep inside they really drool over a Dual G4/1.25 with Jaguar in it and/or an iPod! :D
Cool, send me a pic once you do get that 4th generation!:)

lol, nobody ever mentionned your sig before? Yay, i'm proud to be the first :D

Supras are FFFFAST! lol
Why did you have to mention the iPod, Hulkaros? Aaargh! I just went to again ... And I'm _again_ drooling to get that 10G version... I just _don't_ have the money to buy expensive gadgets at the moment, but I think I'll be dreaming about an iPod again for a few weeks...

Maybe I should just... get one. ;)

Then again, I rarely ever listen to sound outside of my home...
Originally posted by MacLegacy
Cool, send me a pic once you do get that 4th generation!:)

lol, nobody ever mentionned your sig before? Yay, i'm proud to be the first :D

Supras are FFFFAST! lol

Yup, I know a few people with them. I met a guy in Hawaii and rode in his 800 horsepower supra (still street legal!). Amazing. I know another guy who's Supra is at 430 horsepower and he only spent 400 bucks to get it there.

What would you rather get for 400 bucks? iPod, or getting your car in the 400 hp club??

Originally posted by fryke
iPod. Although a Nissan Micra with more than 400 hp would be cool, too. :P

it would be cool.... about 1/18th as cool as a Supra with more than 400 hp