The Revival of Yellow Box?

Cocoa Apps will always respect the dock when resizing. you cannot resize past the dock with a cocoa app, carbon will happily let apps be bigger.

iphoto, garageband, safari, and now quicktime can't be resized past the dock. itunes, the finder etc can be.
Lt Major Burns said:
Cocoa Apps will always respect the dock when resizing. you cannot resize past the dock with a cocoa app, carbon will happily let apps be bigger.
These behaviors aren't really inherent to Carbon or Cocoa. True, many Carbon apps don't respect the Dock, but there's no reason they can't — it's just that developers don't get it "for free", like they usually would in Cocoa, and they're too lazy to implement it themselves (which would not be hard to do). Photoshop is an example of a Carbon program that does acknowledge the size and position of the Dock. (Although Adobe's behavior is slightly different from the standard Cocoa behavior, it's clearly an intentional difference.) Likewise, there are some Cocoa apps that use custom resizing routines, and they're in the same boat as Carbon apps.

QuickTime Player 6 respected the Dock, too, although not quite the same way QTP7 and most Cocoa apps do.

kainjow said:
Where did that pic come from?
Or a pure fabrication. Anybody's guess, really.

The pic contradicts the original linked post, though, in that it does not use Quartz-style font smoothing. Well, the title bar is smoothed, but nothing else. Too bad the picture doesn't show a page with actual text....
Hm. "Quartz-style font smoothing" is the part that's killing me about this rumour. Windows XP has _better_ font smoothing technology than Quartz', and I think it would be stupid to make YellowBox apps use Apple's own technology instead of the already integrated font smoothing technology Windows has.
So does this mean that if you develop an application on mac it will also run on windows?


Is Apple releasing xCode for windows so that any xCode application developed on windows by developers will also run on a mac?

i could be wrong, but i thought it was just xcode is now on windows, so windows users don't have to buy a mac to develop their one piece of software for mac. once they've finished their windows version they can fire up xcode and port it across to macos, without actually having to buy a mac meaning more software for mac.

right? or wrong?
Wrong. The idea of the Yellow Box on Windows (Cocoa) is to have a runtime-environment for Cocoa applications on Windows. You'd use Xcode on either an intel or PPC Mac to develop the app and then build 'universal' for OSX-PPC, OSX-intel and Windows-with-Cocoa.