I think science should be taught in science class, and religion in church.
I disagree with the policy that the kid has to be taught religionally whatever his/her mum believes in untill s/he is 18. so sorry if my post below this line goes to religious anything, questioning, rant etc, but it is just one more slow response to having been taught christianity as the truth in the school untill i was 18 .. the religious liberty for people under 18 at least in europe is an oxymoron. so you have to be taught whatever your mum or parents want. with no one (of the teachers etc) giving any satisfactory answers to any of your questions.
Anyway, I was curious. So I saw these 15 points, and just points of a complete religion-ignorant view. (In the sense: blieve in whatever you believe, just don't bug me with it. And keep even my funerals religionfree please). Sorry if my point hurt anyone's religious or other views, they are not meant to.
1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.
# I assume that the bible is more than theory then? The (hi)story book itself does not make the things that are written in it to be 100 % true. Prove them to me.
2. Natural selection is based on circular reasoning: the fittest are those who survive, and those who survive are deemed fittest.
# I don't see a controversy here. Where is it?
3. Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.
# Please, re-create the stories of the bible. I am very curious, I would want to test and observe them.
4. Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.
# Maybe because there are no such things as a 150 y old theory that has remained the same? X rays have developed since they were invented, so has pasteur's techniques .. etc.
5. The disagreements among even evolutionary biologists show how little solid science supports evolution.
# Well, i still fail to see how religion, in the sense of litteral interpretation of the (hi)stories of the bible, could be supported by science either.
6. If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
# Well, humans created red potatoes and there still are normal potatoes. So? Or there are rabbits and jack rabbits .. or lions and tigers and housecats.
If god created the humans, why is the human body so buggy then? Isn't he ever going to fix his bugs, and release a new human?
7. Evolution cannot explain how life first appeared on earth.
# bible does not explain the origin of the god. "eternal" or "has lived forever" are not satisfactory answers.
8. Mathematically, it is inconceivable that anything as complex as a protein, let alone a living cell or a human, could spring up by chance.
# and mathematically, something as ... simple then?? as god, obviously exists.
9. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that systems must become more disordered over time. Living cells therefore could not have evolved from inanimate chemicals, and multicellular life could not have evolved from protozoa.
# well, humans are more disordered than amebas.. the use of the second thermdynamics law, the first really specified law, is interesting. well, as something letteral to point .. well, read apocalypse and explain it to me. it sounds like something written under substances, and on the same time old, meant to just scare the people so that they would not stand against the church.
10. Mutations are essential to evolution theory, but mutations can only eliminate traits. They cannot produce new features.
# i disagree with this one. in a really long term, the mutations can create new features. like wings to the birds, they were kind of mutated hands .. but in a really, really long time.
11. Natural selection might explain microevolution, but it cannot explain the origin of new species and higher orders of life.
# explain the higher orders of life, plese?
12. Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve.
# nobody that i know, has ever seen god or jesus or moses or anyone described in the bible.
13. Evolutionists cannot point to any transitional fossils--creatures that are half reptile and half bird, for instance.
# those who interpret bible litterally can't find noah's ark or a proof of mary's virginity either.
14. Living things have fantastically intricate features--at the anatomical, cellular and molecular levels--that could not function if they were any less complex or sophisticated. The only prudent conclusion is that they are the products of intelligent design, not evolution.
# .. i've had enough of the bugs of the human body. when will the new version with bug fixes be released? don't tell me someone made just the human beta and left the programming on the beta level. you can sure love your appendix, fat, poor sight and intelligence, unwanted erections and periods etc etc etc but i want fixes to those and so many other bugs. as species, not individually.
15. Recent discoveries prove that even at the microscopic level, life has a quality of complexity that could not have come about through evolution.
# they cite a few phrases of a research. i don't follow how they come to this point 15 from that part of the research they cite.