i want to talk about the caring less thing some more!
i don t really trust the heritage on this one. i really don t think it is sarcasm, but rather sloppy speech that became common usage. sarcasm is 'oh yeah, like i really care' perhaps since that usage is also common, the use of care in the positive was associated with sarcasm, hence the 'i could care less' having care in the positive, and being considered sarcasm. but it is not consistent with sarcasm in english! it is erroneous speech. of course, yesterdays erroneous speech becomes todays standard usage, but i don t have to like it (or even agree with american heritage)
i think another example of this kind of mixing of phrases is when you use the phrase 'no difference' or 'same thing' and soon you start hearing 'same difference'. it is bad! what does that mean, 'same difference'???
ack. i can rant for hours about english language. i really shouldn t get involved. i have been trying painstakingly hard not to get involved in the religious rant (Mac users repent), because i hate these kinds of arguments, where both sides are right, but no, not really, i am right!