The synced mac user (of course the cloud is in there)


Hey guys and gals. I thought I 'd start a thread with something that is important to me, increasingly so, and I think it's one of the core issues of our tech times, that of having our files synced, safe, current and accessible across devices.

I 'd just like everyone who wants to, to chime in on what approach they are taking.

I am not here to shill mobileme but that is core to my aims so I am using it, it's not without its problems but I won't go into them right now. I 'll just say that having synced email across devices iphone, macs, other terminals is just such a treat.

What I am missing and I d like suggestions is what kind of software do I use to sync the actual folders in my devices: For the iphone I have some important stuff I keep in the apple cloud, the idisk, but for the rest of the macs I haven't found something to just automatically and without hassle sync my folders, and this is just such a bummer, a huge, huge bummer, I 've found myself going back and forth trying to find files....

Such a hassle....

But idisk won't sync automatically a certain local folder to the idisk (which will itself will sync with the same folder on another device) and boy is that important.

That said there have got to be some stand alone apps to do this, not that I have found anything that will cover me completely…ideally I would like something to push files, but I know technically this is hard and to the best of my knowledge has not been implemented…

Anyway, like I said, let's start this discussion here for anyone interested, I think managing files across platforms and macs is vital in this day and age, and what with most of us having a MAC TABLET soon, that will make it even more important, so many devices…we can't do it manually that's for sure, there needs to be an integrated solution. So developers welcome to to talk about, well, what they are developing.
