Thereasa Heinz-Kerry

Who is more First-Ladylike?

  • Laura Bush

  • Thereasa Heinz-Kerry

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Ministry of Re-Education
is not at all First-ladylike - admit it. What is your gut visceral reaction when you see her and you know in the back of your mind that she's a snotty billionairess. She reminds me of the mom on "Growing up Gotti" except she's a total dog. I mean, even you blind diehard supporters gotta be feeling less then confident about her and her rich-bit*h ugly attitude. How in the world can a billionaire inheretress possible relate to us? "Let them have cake."

She should go windsurfing or something...
I'm sure if Kerry gets elected the handlers from the DNC will try to keep her out of trouble.As far as commenting on appearances of people that is too subjective to be discussed here,beauty is in the eye of the beholder afterall.So you don't like an opinionated woman, that's totally up to you. ` So I see by your signature that your "inner child" is still alive.:p
not to mention the fact that she looks like the ass end of a dolphin. she is ugly, stupid, and that order.
delsoljb32 said:
not to mention the fact that she looks like the ass end of a dolphin. she is ugly, stupid, and that order.
Well living in Fla. you ought to know what an "ass end of a dolphin " should look like .:p How many people here can speak other languages?Somehow I don't think that would qualify as being stupid.True we don't know how well she can speak them though do we now, :rolleyes: So she's rich show me how many politicions that aren't!
Being rich or being ugly, just as well as being poor or being beautiful neither qualifies nor disqualifies someone to exert an intellectual profession such as politics. Let's hear her talk and debate and then let's decide who is more "first ladylike". I'd rather like a rich and ugly woman as first lady than an barking blond strumpet that cannot tie her own shoelaces even with a written instructions... but then yo uvote presidents, not their consorts, so it doesn't really matter, does it?
How about Barbara Bush? Although she never did anything that actually bothered me (that I recall) she did not have the image of a first lady. Rich and Grandmotherly, the first time I saw her I thought she was the MOTHER of George Sr.

And while I'm on the subject: When W de-funded his mother Barbara's literacy program, did he break the commandment to 'Honor Thy Mother & Father' ?
Cat said:
I'd rather like a rich and ugly woman as first lady than an barking blond strumpet that cannot tie her own shoelaces even with a written instructions...
I agree 100%, but she's already put her foot in her mouth bigtime using words like scumbag and idiots to descibe anyone who doesn't agree with her opinion. This is a woman who's always had things her way, her entire life, always had whatever she wanted, and she just can't keep her mouth shut. If Kerry wins the election, prepare to endure the wrath of her royal mouth getting us into weekly international incidents. I have a feeling she thinks very poorly of us commoners - and rightly so, she's practically royalty ya know. And when you couple that rich aristocrat spoiled rotten personality with the soundbyte of her shrill voice and way she looks–especially when you consider the fact that John Kerry married her for the money–it's a very, very nasty output. Of course I can't prove JK married her for the cash, but when you look at the two of them together, what is your gut telling you?

She's a liability to the Kerry campaign.

You democrats must get very nervous and cringe every time she opens her mouth.
I find it amazing that so many people use "image" and "impression" of a candidate to discuss serious politics for making a final selection for the vote. The photogenicity of a political candidate should not be the deciding factor as to whether or not s/he gets elected to office. What has this candidate done in the past regarding activities, past voting records, what bills and initiatives has the candidate put forth for consideration, how has the candidate helped and hurt people, how will this candidate helped YOU?!!! These are things I consider when selecting a candidate for political office.

Incidentally, Slashdot has an article here: ( that indicates a person's vocabulary and language complexity directly affects thought processes. For a president who has an Ivy League education, BUSHISMS should NOT exist, but they do. Another fact to consider is that the Bushisms that WE hear in the news media are little fragments and snippets of W's eloquent liguistic abilities. I'd like to hear what he's like the other 95% of the time that YOU and I will never hear, the part of George's life that is private within his circle of family and close friends.
Well, here's an interesting concept. I don't even know what "First-lady like" really means.

I mean, honestly. If you want a woman who's basically just kept her mouth shut and her opinions to herself, and done the "stand by your man" thing, then Laura Bush is "first-lady like" to you. If you want a woman who does things of her own and leads on different issues than the president, you probably dig Hillary, who was much more active during her husband's presidency.

And then there's Theresa... who... first of all, I don't think she's horribly ugly... secondly, yeah, boisterous... On the bright side, you can't say you don't know what SHE's thinking.... thirdly.... doesn't she give a lot of money to charity, and isn't she a patron of the arts, or was I smoking crack while watching a news bit on her?

So far, she doesn't seem like a horrible person to me... definitely one of the more interesting first-ladies, though.