They Bounce forever...


Funky Member
sometimes when I boot up my box in X it sits there doing nothing. I'll click on AIM or some other app and it'll act like it is opening it but it'll just sit there forever bouncing it. It happens more than most when I boot X coming out of 9.1. SO, I'm stuck here, I try to force quit everything...nothing, I try to log won't b/c it can't qquit anything. so I'm forced to reset, this is annoying. anyone else get this problem or know why I am getting this problem it'd be a great help? thanks,

BTW, if you tell me to "upgrade" to 9.2.1 it wouldn't be upgrading seeing that I did that once and it kept crashing mad on me. so I won't.
This is a known problem, I saw it several times on my machine. It seems to be related with carbon apps automatically started when you boot OS X.
Look into your start-up folder (in the pref panes). If you got a lot of (carbon) apps there, remove some items and see if it helps.
It occured to me when I had 4 apps automatically started up. Including the iTunes helper app, which I removed.
Since then I never saw it again, but who knows...

hope this helps.
This bouncing but never launching seems to have several causes

On some people's machines, they are able to remove one or more carbon apps from automatically starting up at login, and things work fine

I haven't seen if any of these people have also tried doing a fsck -y in single user to see if there were any problems with the file system.

I do know that for at least 2 people, doing the fsck fixed the bouncing icons problem.

as for the original poster having 9.2.1 problems, as someone mentioned it could be file system problems, or a specific app having an incompatibility, most people are able to run 9.2.1 with no stability problems.
Not only are my carbon apps boucing forever (I can launch some small utilities), BUT I cannot reboot without a reset. It freezes on the blue screen.

I have fixed the filesystem with Norton 6.02 under 9.2.1, but that did not help. Is fsck better? How do I acheive "single user mode?"

Where exactly do I look to disable carbon apps? I am not aware that I have any that automatically start up.


My problem is fixed.

My main user regained the ability to use applications by tossing all the iTunes (2.02) preference files.

Other users I created could use the system just fine. Filesystem was not the problem.
is there anyway to tell which preference files belong to carbon apps just by looking at the icons or using show info? Any other ways i can tell which apps are carbon?

also for a good quick explanation of fsck, see the power outage thread. testuser did a good job of explaining it to me after i got totally confused with it.
By the way, what is the iTunes helper app needed for?
Me, myself and I am having this app in the startup items, as I just found out.
Hm I don't think so. iTunes helper wuznt there in the startup items before I updated iTunes to iTunes V2. Anyways iTunes started everytime I inserted a CD into my drive. So I guess iTunes helper has nothing to do with the startup of iTunes.
Thanks alot for replying. I didn't know that carbon apps at startup would do this...I took the app I thought was carbon out of my startup items. It was iTunes Tool v 1.1. We'll see if that was the problem. I don't think it was anything to do with a disk problem. (fsck did nothing and DFA can't ckeck the startup disk, but last check in 9.1 said it was ok).
but Itunes Tool 1.1 is a really nifty app for me at least. Maybe an applescript opening that app would be a nice workaround... we'll see.

making an apple script to open that carbon app worked just problems since that happened, good stuff!

My G4-500 just started doing this the other day as well. I noticed this happening which started yesterday morning when I first powered up for the day.

Once I'm logged on, I can open finder windows no problem, but as soon as I try to open an app, I get the BIOD (bouncing icon of death) syndrome along with the spinning color disc pointer. My only recourse is to hit the reset button on the front of the computer and reboot. This can happen several boots in a row, and then all of a sudden on the Nth boot it will be happy again.

In between each boot, I usually drop into single-user mode (option-S) and do a quick fsck which always says there's nothing wrong with the drive.

The only thing I did this weekend was install Office v.X and encode some MP3's with iTunes 2.0.2..

My guess is something with Office is making my system go foobar..

It still doesn't explain why it starts mysteriously just starts working after the Nth reboot though.

Ahh.. fun and games of a new OS and new software.

Addendum: One thing I had noticed though yesterday, is that when I hold the option key down on boot (to switch to classic), it shows two OS X partitions and one classic.. I only have one OS X partition and one Classic partition. The third partition is a HFS+ volume with primarily MP3's and some misc archived files.. it's not a bootable drive! (ie: no system folder)