I was looking around on apples mac os x section and noticed some new additions that steve didn't mention in his keynote address
first off there is a button in the upper right hand corner of each window, check it out at http://www.apple.com/macosx/usingosx/communication.html
I'm thinking the window shade function has returned!
Also on that page you can see that the mail.app has changed quite a bit as far as the preferences go. I'd be willing to bet the support for multiple mail accounts is much better than in the public beta (namely sending mail from different accounts).
Instead of allowing an admin to enable telnet access to the computer it has been replaced by ssh in the sharing preferences as seen at
crazy stuff, i'm dieing to see what else they have done to applications, like the address book...i guess we'll have to wait and see
first off there is a button in the upper right hand corner of each window, check it out at http://www.apple.com/macosx/usingosx/communication.html
I'm thinking the window shade function has returned!
Also on that page you can see that the mail.app has changed quite a bit as far as the preferences go. I'd be willing to bet the support for multiple mail accounts is much better than in the public beta (namely sending mail from different accounts).
Instead of allowing an admin to enable telnet access to the computer it has been replaced by ssh in the sharing preferences as seen at
crazy stuff, i'm dieing to see what else they have done to applications, like the address book...i guess we'll have to wait and see