Think about it...


The Most Stupid Member
Why people hate Microsoft's Mac products?

We like Mac users, correct.
We like Mac programmers, correct.
We like Mac programmers in Apple, correct.
We like Mac programmers in Adobe, correct.
We like Mac programmers in Macromedia, correct.
We hate Mac programmers in Microsoft, why?

Please Remember: the ones who do Microsoft's Mac products are Mac users.

Just a thought... ;)
Because supporting Microsoft supports an illegal monopoly that is gaining too much power and being allowed to get away with way too much by buying off the government.

If they're not stoped, say goodbye to standards and other things that make the Internet what it's supposed to be.
Exactly, dricci, I don't hate the programmers themselves, but by supporting an MS product, we put their marketshare up even further. That is how you get websites not supporting anything but IE, that's how Word got a standard, that's what they want us to do with .wmv and .wma.
They want their own products to be the standard, and we all KNOW that one company having too much control don't benefit anybody.
I have a Mac, I can choose wether I want IE, MSN Messenger etc.
MS users don't have this choice, they have to use it. There is nothig making me as mad as when a website tells me "This can only be done in Internet Explorer".
I have MSN Messenger, but their poor users have to send me SMSs, begging me to launch it if they want to talk to me.

I will not use MS programs because I want to support the underdogs. It might seem weird, but that's me.

That said, I admire the guys over at Mactopia, (MSs Mac part) but I could always wish they had updated more regularly.

I will not support the standards unless they hold all advantages to others.
why would they dislike Adobe Mac programmers?

Adobe has always been a bunch of mac buffs, why hate them?

Sure, they are starting to get a little arrogant, but who can blame them. Quark however...
Hey... Pshop is a big app. I would rater have them take a long time and do a good job. Won't they have to turn Pshop into Cocoa eventually? Death to M$. Go underdogs. I hope the Detroit Tigers win the world series this year.
You know, I don't particularly admire the MacBU either. Just yesterday they released a SLEW of security updates for Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, ANOTHER for Office v.X... etc. No other developer I know issues as many security updates as Microsoft, even for its Mac products.

It's just sick how even the MacBU CANNOT GET IT RIGHT. They still leave loads of holes that people can exploit and fix it later. This is not the kind of Mac program I want.
Microsoft is microsoft. I'm not going to support the MacBU just because they make decent stuff, because all that money goes back to the home ship, which wants to take over my life on my computer. Do you want that? So blow $500+ on a freaking office suite.
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Hey... Pshop is a big app. I would rater have them take a long time and do a good job. Won't they have to turn Pshop into Cocoa eventually?

Here's what I don't understand... I remember, a few months after Mac OS X was first announced, as a demonstration of how easy it was to port classic apps to Carbon, they ran a Carbon version of Photoshop, for all to see. One Adobe programmer worked on re-coding it for like a week or two, and, except for some features, it worked. And that gave me the impression that we would see a X version of Photoshop much earlier than we did... and I'd still like an epxlanation...
I don't think that photoshop will be ported to Cocoa for a while. I read an article about how it doesn't make since to write in Cocoa unless you are writing an app from the ground up or for mac os x only. I don't know what photoshop is written in but I know that it is probably something that can easily be ported to windows and mac. Second, if they made photoshop into a cocoa app they would have to rewrite the whole thing from the ground up. I don't know if they are willing to do this. I know it is supposed to be faster writing but still. Also, the president of Real Basic (granted he is probably biased) said that if Apple that Cocoa is not necessarily better than Carbon it is just that Apple hasn't made all the (I am not a programmer so forgive me if I mess this up)Frameworks or Api's (I am not sure which) available to Carbon that are available to Cocoa. He also said that they are not necessarily any faster either.
Originally posted by simX
You know, I don't particularly admire the MacBU either. Just yesterday they released a SLEW of security updates for Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, ANOTHER for Office v.X... etc. No other developer I know issues as many security updates as Microsoft, even for its Mac products.

It's just sick how even the MacBU CANNOT GET IT RIGHT. They still leave loads of holes that people can exploit and fix it later. This is not the kind of Mac program I want.

Maybe because those MS products are related to the Internet/Network? Netscape 4.x was having lots of releases too.
I assume we all mean "hate" in a general sense, not that we actually hate them as people. That aside, I think some of us might think twice about just who exactly saved Apple's ass. Apple has been saved from the brink of death several times in its history, more times than I can recall (Aldus:pagemaker, Codewarrior, iMac, Jobs to name a few). Without those products/people it is very conceivable that Apple wouldn't exist as we know it.

Anyway. Like it or not, and believe me, I don't like it, Microsoft if one of Apple's latest saviors. That multimillion deal Steve developed with Bill five years ago for one and Office v.X for two. I don't think it's an understatement to say that Apple's continued success depended on Microsoft's commitment to the Mac.

I like the MacBU at Microsoft. I even like Bill Gates. I simply don't like Windows. BTW--Office is a much better suite than Appleworks, I hate to say. Phew, what is that stench, is that troll?
I hate microsoft because of the arrogance factor. They do have brag rights because they bring mac users over. With Office they can be "compatible" with everyone else. If Microsoft didn't force their own "standards" then there would be automatic compatibility and people would actually be able to choose.

But WTF is there 1001 bug fixes coming out in office? Unless you work for terminex that many bugs is a gross way of saying "Ha, we can make crap software and still make money because we are your air and water."
Originally posted by mindbend
I assume we all mean "hate" in a general sense, not that we actually hate them as people. That aside, I think some of us might think twice about just who exactly saved Apple's ass. Apple has been saved from the brink of death several times in its history, more times than I can recall (Aldus:pagemaker, Codewarrior, iMac, Jobs to name a few). Without those products/people it is very conceivable that Apple wouldn't exist as we know it.

Anyway. Like it or not, and believe me, I don't like it, Microsoft if one of Apple's latest saviors. That multimillion deal Steve developed with Bill five years ago for one and Office v.X for two. I don't think it's an understatement to say that Apple's continued success depended on Microsoft's commitment to the Mac.

I like the MacBU at Microsoft. I even like Bill Gates. I simply don't like Windows. BTW--Office is a much better suite than Appleworks, I hate to say. Phew, what is that stench, is that troll?

oooOOOooo. I'm sorry, but last time I checked, Microsoft was trying to get the AMD CEO to testify about the proposed remedies, when he hadn't even read them. Last time I checked, Microsoft had illegally tried to force many of its middleware products onto Windows users. Oh, yeah, and last time I checked, there were thousands of bugs in Office v.X, publicly admitted by Microsoft's MacBU.

Sorry, but this is one company I have to hate. It may have been a saviour to Apple back in 1997, but I don't think Apple really needs Microsoft that much anymore. Sure, Office would be nice on the Mac, but we have it on OS X, now, and even AppleWorks can export to Microsoft Office formats. Plus, if Microsoft withdrew support for Apple, it would be a big piece of evidence in the antitrust suit.

Oh, and by the way, since when did hating a company that openly practices illegal business practices and does everything but admit it make me a troll?
Sim, the troll I was referring to was myself ;), since I know how you prefer Appleworks over Office.

All your points about MS's illicit practices are fine and legitimate, but here's the problem. It all boils down to sour grapes because, as DeNiro so eloquently said in "Copland", "You [Apple] blew it!" We all know the history, Gates begged/warned Apple what would happen back in the early/mid eighties. Apple ignored him.

As for MS's current position regarding the "force" factor, the public has always had a choice, they unfortunately have just made the wrong one. We, as Mac users, have been choosing the "right" option all along. Kudos to MS for suckering everyone in. Business is ugly.

p.s. I truly believe Apple is on course to do some heavy damage over the next few years. We should expect to see them double market share within two years and gradually sneak up from there to maybe 15-20%. Maybe a bit optimistic, but hey, such is the life of a Mac addict.